I see similarities with the previous one but also differences. The style and method seem to be tightly close to each other but they serve different purposes. Was it the conscious limitation to a distinct direction on the previous one, so now we have an opening that seems to extend much further than the edges of the image. The coloring, strict and tight on the previous one, evolves to a much more open paletee here. I am quite astonished to see that the same vignetting can also result into this kind of "freedom" to observe the world in such a much more wider sense.
The details seem to be more pronounciated here, but the overall impression soon takes me from the distinct details to the integrity of the image as a "whole", as a composition.
Visar, perhaps you should apply the method to other images too. Could turn into a consistent but also rich series. being blasphemous is often a much better way ;-)