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Pano Panic
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Image Title:  Pano Panic
Favorites: 1 
 By: Stan  Hill  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Stan  Hill  Stan  Hill {Karma:35352}
Project #57 Raw Materials Camera Model Canon Digital Rebel
Categories Panoramic
Film Format Digital JPEG High
Portfolio Lens Canon EF 35-70mm 3.5-4.5 Zoom Macro.
Uploaded 7/23/2008 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 100
Views 574 Shutter 1/60
Favorites Aperture f/11
Critiques 37 Rating
/ 12 Ratings
Location City -  Belgrade
State -  MT
Country - UF Old Timers   UF Old Timers
About This was an isolated thunderhead building as a major storm front went crashing through with winds up to 50+mph. Hail was so severe I lost 4 windows in my house. This was taken on my way home before I went through the front. Lost phone lines and much damage to my trees. Be well, Stan
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There are 37 Comments in 1 Pages
Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/30/2008
Thanks .B, appreciate the concern and the comment. Looks like you have a great start on UF by looking at your images.
Be well, Stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/30/2008
Thanks Peter, This one was very unique. The storm was very short but very intense.
Be well, Stan


. B . B   {K:1815} 7/30/2008
Wow Stan what fierce clouds and storm weather. Glad you are ok there!


Peter De Rycke Peter De Rycke   {K:41212} 7/27/2008
Exceptional capture ..


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/25/2008
Hi Collin, this is another one with that 35-70mmEF lens. It has become my go to lens for all around shooting. I am amazed at the difference between it and the kit lens. Still like the 18mm wide angle of the kit lens for some of my shots. I have this one in my good to print file. It was such an intense cloud in context of the sky I saw that day.
Be well, Stan


Collin Stebbins   {K:1868} 7/25/2008
I'm sorry to hear about the damage, it must have been a terrifying moment, but ... what a great shot! This is worthy of printing Stan.


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/25/2008
Thanks Robi, your comment is greatly appreciated.
Be well, Stan


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 7/25/2008


M  jalili M  jalili   {K:69009} 7/24/2008
Thank you dear . Yours Yazeed .....


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/24/2008
Nicole, thanks! The cloud above the subject cloud was the leading edge of the storm as it hit. The little circle shapes on it indicate to cover your tail. They are a sign of the intensity of it. You would not want to fly a small plane into this! Thanks so much for your interest and kind words1
Be well, Stan


Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 7/24/2008
Oh my God..what a scary cloud!!!I believe that this was a very heavy storm!The picture is great with little blue and this grey cloud...but I'm sorry to hear about your damages.But also glad to hear that everybody is safe and not hurt!! Looks really dramatic!
Best regards,Nicole


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/24/2008
It was a real get your attention kind of storm, major hail that shredded my trees and broke windows in the house. The clouds were very intense. Thanks for coming by, I always appreciate you comments and friendship.
Be well, Stan


jacques brisebois   {K:73883} 7/24/2008
many great postings since my last visit Stan. Hope everything is OK for you now, must be a real impressive storm...


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/24/2008
Thanks for the comment and good thoughts, I appreciate your good energy and your great work!
Be well, Stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/24/2008
Thanks Dave, just cleanup and an Insurance adjuster to see. The clean up involved a lot of glass in carpet. Some water damage and some roof damage. I am a builder so I can get it back up in a short while.
This cloud was isolated from the Big Bad Storm Front. I turned around from the storm front to spy this one. the sky was in turmoil!
Be well, Stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/24/2008
thanks David, I appreciate the positive encouragement. UF has helped me look at things in a different way, and trying to capture them is even more fun.
Be well, Stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/24/2008
Thanks for the concern and good wishes. I got a taste of what the severe weather can due. Glad we do not have hurricanes and tornadoes in this area, the hail and wind were enough. Glad you liked the image.
Be well, Stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/24/2008
Thanks so much dear Yazeed, I am grateful for your comment and your regards.
Be well,Stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/24/2008
Thanks Joe, I appreciate your concern and your support. Had to post this one.
Be well, Stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/24/2008
Thanks Ercole, I am glad you liked it. Your words and images are so good. I appreciate your comment and what you contribute.
Be well, Stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/24/2008
Thanks Kambiz, the day was blue until this storm came through. The evil cloud was behind me as I turned and saw this one with the light on it. This one was a warning of what was coming.
Be well, Stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/24/2008
Thanks Natalino, I am glad you liked it, nature is full of this kind of magic.
Be well, Stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/24/2008
Hi Brigitte, the morning shot was a couple of days earlier. We are picking up glass and drying out some carpet. Bozeman is still having some power outages from the storm. Thanks for the rating and the concern. That blue band was an eye catcher for me as I was shooting this.
Be well, Stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/24/2008
Thanks Arif , this was shot minutes before the storm hit. I was scrambling for the truck.
Be well, Stan


Pablo Dylan Pablo Dylan   {K:63918} 7/23/2008
The nature is spectacular.



Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 7/23/2008
Too bad about your house, Stan, hope everything is OK now! Good shot of the approach, though. A good "lemonade" shot!


David Rodriguez David Rodriguez   {K:11965} 7/23/2008
Excellent clouds my friend, a very good catch, very good eye to discover these wonders of nature ephemeral.
A hug!


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/23/2008
I am glad to hear everyone is well my dear friend. Just this morning I heard that Padres Island, TX is getting hit pretty hard. I am sorry to hear about the damage to your house. This is an amazing image and really shows us how poweful mother nature really is.
Stay safe and good luck with the repairs GG.


M  jalili M  jalili   {K:69009} 7/23/2008
Really beautiful compo and color .REgards my friend ...........


Joe Brown Joe Brown   {K:23213} 7/23/2008
Excellent capture and about. Scary stuff.


ercole scorza ercole scorza   {K:7985} 7/23/2008
Excellent shot!
my favorite dear Stan



Kambiz Babapour Kambiz Babapour   {K:407} 7/23/2008
Stunning shot! It gives me two extremely different feelings. I mean the evil cloud vs the beautiful sky at the bottom.
Warm Regards,


Natalino Russo Natalino Russo   {K:536} 7/23/2008
Good photo, Stan!


Brigitte R. Brigitte R.   {K:25989} 7/23/2008
Wow Stan, glad you or your family weren't hurt. What a stark contrast between this and your morning shot!

You did capture a stunning cloud though... great detail. Really like the band of blue along the bottom of the frame.

I like this one a lot!!! 7++++++



Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy) Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)   {K:27380} 7/23/2008
this is really impressive capture my friend stan!
the clouds look great!
compliments my dear friend,


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/23/2008
Thanks Harry, main thing was all were well. I will have to get the windows replaced, probably by me. I am a builder so I guess I will work with my insurance company and see what happens. It was some serious weather.
Be well, Stan


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 7/23/2008
Wow, what an evil cloud. Sri to hear abt the damage.
Be well, Harry




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