Visar, I couldn't have nailed it down to words so precisely! Indeed! The steady search and riot inside is perhaps a torment, but no step can be taken without that, except for unconsious, mechanical, robotic steps. The conscience will never stop questioning except if it is already dead in the name of some "secutity" feeling.
Taken to the ultimate degree, it means that the questions are stronger than any guarantee that the answers are "right". Consience can still ask, what is the guarantee that the guarantee is valid? Ad infinitum! Most will sh*t in their pants when they think of that and pretend that their minds didn't think of that. Angst in front of the upcoming paranoia, but if we take the courage and the time to look into that chasm then we will see that it is necessary for any kind of cognition, even if the cognition is not absolute but only one of the infinite many steps. That is, the one who is aware of that is the one that *really* knows about incompletness of things, and so also about the own incompletness. It is so easy to only speak about the non-existence of perfection, but to apply the own preaching one has to riot, to question, to get that tormenting run.
As Erdös once said: "I'll have enough time to rest. In the grave." ;-)
for the name of the photo i was inspired by Jack Kerouack. In fact, it is one of the books that excited a riot inside of me, a tormented soul that kept drippling into my conscious for unrest; towards whatever there might be- that 'unknown' stretching ahead which kept burning so bright that it always keeps me in a dazzling state of hypnoses. there's no better feeling i get as when i am on the road.
So, here, i try to save that feeling of energy in firm lines, rather than curves of doubt. showing an attitude more than a meaning. that all there is in front, 'has' to be bright- even if it is not, and carries all the plagues of a humankind.
oh, and as for the main thing- well that could be a bottle of burbon while the glitter blinds while we head on! ;)
And the thing is that such images might as well have no meaning at all, representing thus perfectly the "nothing" that we try to mentally adapt into the realms of "something".
The form and mere patterns appeal to me. My mind generates some relations based on the way I perceive. I see relations, sequences that break and give rise to other sequences. But I don't see anything special, anything concrete. Still imagibe a perception and a thinking that evolved under completely different conditions. It perhaps would be able to recognize something here, as easily as I recognize, say, a human face. And still this recognition woulnd't be universal - it would be the result of its own evolution. Then all possible thinking shares the character of imperfection, partial view, pertial insight. And if it is only partial, perhaps also it misses the main things, ey?
Which your image absolutely shows, exactly because it manages to be "something" but really nothing certain.
Abstraction and its contradicting agreement to contradict its own self.