Giuseppe Guadagno
{K:34002} 10/6/2007
Edgar, excuse my delay. Thanks very much for your beautiful words. I hope to deserve them. Actually I am not posting in UF because I was on holidays first and then I am experimenting a different site: Nature Photographers. I post my flowers in a forum where all are floral photographers who leave comments and suggestions. In a second section there are also the personal portfolios where members can show their photos. If you have wish and time you can look at mine: Nature Photographers > Photo portfolios > Giuseppe Guadagno. In some weeks I will decide between staying here or coming back to UF. For NP plays the pleasure of joining photographers in love for flowers just as me, for UF plays the pleasure of sharing images with good photographers and friends as you surely are for me. Un saluto carissimo.
Giuseppe Guadagno
{K:34002} 9/24/2007
Andrew, thanks very much for your interest and appreciation of my works. I hope that I will deserve your compliments in the future. My models in order come from: a greenhouse near home, my garden, florist's, my holidays in the Alps. Thanks again, Andrew. Cheers.
Andrew Parisi
{K:1945} 9/24/2007
Checked out your new site. A very professional and beautiful presentation of flower photography. Have saved it under my favorites. You have such a variety of floral subjects. How do you find so many different flowers? As I said before, you are the master floral photographer.
Giuseppe Guadagno
{K:34002} 9/23/2007
Thanks very much Andrew, I am blushing for your compliments. I am glad to 'meet' you again since in this period I am not present in UF because I was on holidays first and now I am experimenting a new site: Nature Photographers. Here I post my little flowers in a forum where all are floral photographers and of good level. There is a well organized section for comments and suggestions that works very well. In a second section there are personal portfolios where members can show 120 photos. If you have wish and time you can look at mine: section Portfolio, name Giuseppe Guadagno. In some weeks I will decide between staying here or coming back to UF. For NP plays the pleasure of joining photographers in love for flowers just as me, for UF plays the pleasure of sharing with good photographers and persons as you, dear Andrew. I have visited your place and admired splendid photos unseen. I love your last posted calla, a kiss of the two white lovers. The design is pure and beautiful, the composition of the masses very well balanced. Bravo as usual! Take care.
Andrew Parisi
{K:1945} 9/23/2007
I can always count on a beautiful capture by you. You are a master of photography when it comes to capturing the beauty of flowers. Always a pleasure looking through your portfolio. Thanks.
Edgar Monzón
{K:827} 9/18/2007
Long time no see you, but every time I revisit your gallery you surprise me with a lot of master pieces. Honesty,this is one of the mos beatiful flower photos I have seen in my life. Its like you visit the heart of the flower, their soul, their own feelings. BRAVISIMO!!!!!
josep alsina
{K:19880} 9/4/2007
Preciosa y delicada composición de una flor. Saludos de Josep
Gabriela Tanaka
{K:16594} 7/23/2007
A most elegant study, Giuseppe!I don't know what to praise first: the crop...the play of light and shadow on the petals... the clarity and sharpness.... or, most of all, the sensuality of the whole composition!It is just.....WONDERFUL! Gabriela
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 7/18/2007
ma che delicatezza questa luce che genera queste ombre e fa risaltare il giallo dei pistilli sei un maestro dei fiori c'č poco da dire bravissimo!
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 7/18/2007
Ottima luce e gran dettaglio! Mi piace questo particolare punto di vista! A presto Giuseppe, Ale
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 7/18/2007
Formas, texturas, luces, colores... una maravilla de macro! Felicitaciones!
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174145} 7/18/2007
Wow...you are so good at these delicate floral compositions and using the light, dear Giuseppe! 7/7
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 7/17/2007
Giuseppe:) The amazing construction of petals. Miraculous light and splendid details. Warm hugs:) Viola
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 7/17/2007
This is so great and so sensual and erotic as well Jeanette