Sheryl Phillips
{K:2728} 10/11/2007
Thank you so much for all of your comments Christina! ~Sheryl
Christina Sabo
{K:642} 10/11/2007
Aww! This almost makes me want to cry too! ;-) I love how everything but her face is out of focus. You have an amazing talent to make something so sad look so beautiful.
Sheryl Phillips
{K:2728} 9/20/2007
Thanks Robert, and you're right...it's definately a shot to save for showing later! ~Sheryl
Campbell Cameron
{K:1682} 9/20/2007
Great shot sheryl, I have been there too and my wife more than me!!! Catches a moment that you show to your daughter when she is older and complaining about your tantrums. What comes around goes around. Good Job.
Sheryl Phillips
{K:2728} 7/4/2007
Hey thanks so much Martin... You know, in my defense, I have to follow through...she didn't eat her lunch, so no snacks. That's the rule. I can't help it if she's just too darn cute to shoot, even when she's throwing a fit! ;) ~Sheryl
Martin .
{K:24957} 7/3/2007
I'm not 1 to judge, but I would have done the same thing to this poor child... hehehe
Keep the goldfish away from her until she cries, then get the shot... ;)
It's strange what we will do to get the shot, but I think your over the top on this one... Poor Baby!... LMAO
Well done my friend... 10/10 +++++
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 7/2/2007
:-), encantador momento. Felicitaciones!