reza goudarzi
{K:7097} 7/13/2007
very good portrait at the beach so differnt with others... regards, reza.
Monica Schipper
{K:403} 7/4/2007
Wow! I love it! Would look fantastic printed HUGE on canvas! Well done!
Shahyad Rohani
{K:974} 6/20/2007
Hi Paul nice model & Best Light +++++++7 Shahyad
Saverio Benfari
{K:408} 6/18/2007
Excellent work dear Paul!That's really an amazing backlight..and i like the pose you gave to the model! and finally let me you to say ..that's an honour for me to receive a comment from you..cause i like so much all your works! Congrats! saverio
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 6/16/2007
ˇMuchas Gracias!
alberto baez duarte
{K:8175} 6/16/2007
buena toma de esta silueta....buena modelo.... felicitaciones por esta excelente fotografia... alberto.
James Cook
{K:38068} 6/15/2007
Seems a little too much or not enough silhouette.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 6/15/2007
Very nice and sexy silhouette, Paul.:)
Evren Arasil
{K:-866} 6/14/2007
nice model paul.. good frame... Congrat....
Lucas L
{K:12145} 6/14/2007
lovely lines, great work.
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 6/14/2007
Nice Paul however I think alittle more detail in the face would have been perfect. But I still like it and it was done really well. A good level shot.
Congrat and much love,