Another B&W shot from the Hout bay docks. This time I liked the placement of three boats and a large one on the right, it's prow making for a nice frame. I see though that I managed to connect the front of the far boat to the prow of the ship, bit of a mistake that I think. It was a misty day and the sun quite harsh, hence the washed out sky but it did hide the background well enough IMO. Do you think it is strong enough or is it just too cluttered? Any comments appreciated, thanks and ejoy.
Great composition! Especially with all of the elements you had to deal with. I like everything in the photo and don't think it's cluttered at all. The point of the boat touching the large boat doesn't bother me as well. The only thing that would've made this shot even more perfect would've been a truely still water reflection, since that seems to be a major drawing point for my eye. Reason being that I see alot of smooth facets to this photographs. Walls of the boats, panes of white space and triangular shapes, etc.
Leave your worries aside...I am enjoying the pic fully to my hearts content.Allow us to play with the light stringed dimensions of your photo....drenched in a cool cast..hope u dont mind.