Koteiba Fayyad
{K:3539} 3/6/2007
!!! thats right .. the horison is not balanced !! :) lool i havent realize this until now can you believe it !! too dark !!! well .. i7mid alllaaaa !! kan ya3ni adrab flash wala akchif nafsi 3alachan achba3 darb .. walla a7san itboz il sora ya3ni !! i7na la2yin pozaat bil gamal dah!! loool besides i was too excited and really afraid they might change their position : )
Moe Rabie
{K:4390} 3/5/2007
i love the light of the moon on the sea, lovely lovely light and moment, but as riham said, it is too dark to to dark, and the horizon not balanced, you should keep it on ur mind always and forever .. good work ..
Koteiba Fayyad
{K:3539} 3/5/2007
One should take care of such candid captures ;0) lol. --->> is this one of " you have no ethics " talk ?? because if it is so .. well yeah i have no ethics in what concerns photographing.. i do photograph with no respect to privacy or restriction (the rules apply on me as well loool ) :) one day ill get my self killed im sure !! i had to be discrete no flash and no getting closer compromising all parameters
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 3/4/2007
One should take care of such candid captures ;0) lol. Though I find it little dark but still you were ablt to put me in this romantic mood as if I'm watching these 2 lovers in such a moon light. Well done Koteiba, Khaled.
Koteiba Fayyad
{K:3539} 3/3/2007
the photo was taken under moon light & from a distance not the best aperture to be honest. but i think darkness adds to its mystical mood !! it is a holy secret love. the reason why i called it so!! cause they are obviously lovers !!!:) dont you think so ?
Koteiba Fayyad
{K:3539} 3/3/2007
yup .. you are right. full moon, lazy winds and love in the air., and yes little source of light behind :) sharp eye. yeah the leg crossing as well . its one genuine moment.
Koteiba Fayyad
{K:3539} 3/3/2007
thats the longest comment ive ever had !
yeah i know the photo could be very emotional. better love today and die tomorrow before the four knights are descended and Babylon burns.
Mohamed Hussien
{K:8371} 3/3/2007
Dear Koteiba I think the moon was rising there with a little source of light behind, you know I always care about the smallest details "hehe and that crossing leg .." weshhhhhhh!
Riham Essam
{K:4931} 3/3/2007
thanks for sharing these effective words Astrid :)
Best Regards, Riham Essam
Riham Essam
{K:4931} 3/3/2007
Koteiba ... i could see hardly ...wood right in this dark...please explane this idea to me ...:) thanx & why u named it this title !!
Best regards, Riham Essam
Astrid Quast
{K:1254} 3/3/2007
I see this picture and i start crying...
Another day is ended And I still cant sleep Remembering my yesterdays I begin to weep If I could have it over Live my life again I wouldnt change a single day
(chorus) I wish that I could turn back the clock Bring the wheels of time to stop Back to the days when life was so much better
Lying here in silence Picture in my hand Of a boy I still resemble But I no longer understand And as the tears run freely How I realise they were the best years of my life
You might say its just A case of giving up No But without these memories where is the love Where is the love
If I could have it over Live my life again I wouldnt change a single day
Why cant I turn back the clock Bring the wheels of time to a stop Back to the days Oh no no I remember when Life was so good Id go back Id I could Oh oh I wouldnt change a single day Dont let the memories slip away I wouldnt change a single day Dont let the memories slip away (Johnny Hates Jazz)