Hi Mervo, Thanks for the explanation on the term. I did a google search and found a few sites with all the rest of the info about the process and a few others. I'm using a very old version of Photoshop, so I'm not sure if I can use it right now. Any day now I will be joining the 21st century with a new pc and new software, so I should be able to get into a few more of the Photoshop goodies that I'm not using right now.
Congrats on your engagement! I hope all goes well for you regarding your wedding and move to Australia. My parents told me years ago, when they decided to emigrate from the UK, they basically flipped a coin. Heads Canada, tails Australia :) Anyway, I ended up coming over on a big boat with my mom and sister and landed in Montreal in Oct./54. My dad had come over a few weeks ahead of us to find work and get settled in an apartment.
I hope to see your images from time to time on Usefilm before you leave. No reason why you can't still have a Usefilm account in Australia either. I'll keep in touch. Andre
Hi Andre, thanks for the warm welcome! I don't get much time to come online anymore, having gotten engaged to my girlfriend, we are busy with life and work!
Dragonized is when you apply an action in photoshop. If you google the term then you'll certainly find the action available for download. Install it and you have instant effects over images - I love using it for portraits!
I hope you are well over there! I am now engaged and emigrating to Sydney, Australia in the first part of May. My fiance is Australian and we are getting married on October 27th! How life changes eh!
Give me an email on m e r v o @ t r a p p e d l i g h t . c o . u k and we maybe we can keep in touch!! :-)
Hi Andre, thanks for the warm welcome! I don't get much time to come online anymore, having gotten engaged to my girlfriend, we are busy with life and work!
Dragonized is when you apply an action in photoshop. If you google the term then you'll certainly find the action available for download. Install it and you have instant effects over images - I love using it for portraits!
I hope you are well over there! I am now engaged and emigrating to Sydney, Australia in the first part of May. My fiance is Australian and we are getting married on October 27th! How life changes eh!
Give me an email on m e r v o @ t r a p p e d l i g h t . c o . u k and we maybe we can keep in touch!! :-)
Hi Mervo, Nice to see you back! I really like the colouring you get out of this process. I'm not familiar with the term Dragonized. Could you explain how you do it? I have some similar effects on some of mine that I achieved with some Photoshop adjustments, but not exactly the same. I like this style of portrait. A portrait with a bit of a story and composition. Andre