sept sea
{K:2569} 5/13/2003
Thank you, i still have some problam in developing my cats wall.. hope i can solve... Thanks to all~
{K:32791} 5/12/2003
your cats are a wonderful series...
Tom Holmlund
{K:629} 5/5/2003
The most beautiful abstract catpicture I ever seen...
Eleni A
{K:798} 5/1/2003
Wow amazing!!
sept sea
{K:2569} 5/1/2003
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 4/30/2003
Excellent artistic shot Sept
sept sea
{K:2569} 4/30/2003
Thank you so much... Aurore... the gold texture in my cats wall is important... may be i'll "refine" that.. duno how to say in words... anyway...
j w
{K:12641} 4/29/2003
Beautiful and terrifying and tragic all at once, Sept. I think it's almost beyond my scope of critical abilities, but I know it's emotional impact is great -- and that's what good art does, doesn't it?
Aurore Lynch
{K:1687} 4/29/2003
Allright then... I really really like the pose and crop on this one, and here I find the gold texture rather appealing. But on his face it seems a little too much. At first glance I couldn't even tell what I was looking at. I do sometimes like the texturing you apply but at the same time I also find it distracting in certain places. The way you put it on their faces... well, maybe you are purposely trying to obscure them. Is that the case? Perhaps I understand somewhat... I'm still not sure. I think maybe it's growing on me...