Giuseppe Guadagno
{K:34002} 1/2/2007
I missed this beauty, Christian. I bring it home. Ciao.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174145} 12/29/2006
You're welcome, Christian!:)
Christian Barrette
{K:21125} 12/28/2006
Thank you Shirley for your kind comments. Fluffy snow it was - large damp flakes and faint wind. A magical moment.
Christian Barrette
{K:21125} 12/27/2006
Thank you Paul. Actually, I was pretty off on the exposure. As the snow was very wet, I acted quickly and had the camera set to P. Consequently, the pictures were underexposed by almost a stop. I corrected them in postprocess. Noise in the shadows was not really a problem, since there are almost no shadows.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174145} 12/27/2006
That is sure some fluffy snow...again very lovely, Christian!:)
Christian Barrette
{K:21125} 12/27/2006
She was checking on me and was very alert, though not panicked. I was with my wife, we stopped talking and just went by. She ran straight to yer youngs the second after.
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 12/27/2006
That is a great capture Christian. I bet it was just a quiet as can be when you took this. The snow sure dappens the sounds. The deer sure stands out with this great background. Don.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 12/27/2006
FANTASTIC.. is so natural habitat! .. i agree with elisa.. well captured Christian.. take care roby ;)
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 12/27/2006
Very nice capture! This is really an excllent exposure in not so easy condition. You have maintained really good details in the highlights and your sharpness is point on! I really love the feel in this photo. Very nice work!
Congrats and thanks for sharing! 7++
Paul E Brumit
{K:26787} 12/27/2006
These creatures are so cute. I can imagine how they are fascinated by nature´s new winter dress, just like us humans! A lovely shot!