amy douglas
{K:425} 5/27/2003
Perfect composition, really great shot! Love the color.
Marc Robin
{K:3385} 4/25/2003
Hey, you finally got a smile! :-) There seems to be still a greenish cast to this, esp. in the hair. This one seems nice and sharp. Nice catchlights too. And yes, a bit dark in my (terribly un-expert) opinion. Cheers, Marc
Russell Love
{K:7006} 4/25/2003
Alittle more fill flash would help, Maybe shade for the hot spots. over all good shot keep 'em coming!
Later my friend,
Eric Goldwasser
{K:4294} 4/25/2003
ok! Grins are good. She's a beautiful little girl. I think the hair in her mouth is distracting, but wind and such things can make that uncontrollable. Exposure looks good.
David Doler
{K:467} 4/25/2003
A cutie for sure. A suggestion...buy a cheap round silver reflector from a camera store and use it to reflect sunlight into the dark areas. Or, even though its sunny out, use the flash for fill lighting
Luis Costa - Lucaz
{K:9205} 4/25/2003
Very nice work, regards!
Olaf Herrig
{K:904} 4/25/2003
Nice portrait from a nice model. I think it needs a little light more on the face. Regards, Olaf.
{K:16195} 4/25/2003
What a lovley model and portrait.