Paul Lara
{K:88111} 12/5/2006
Oh, I agree completely about how easy it is to remove the copyright. It's not there for theft protection, it's there for marketing, since this series is now in Vanessa's portfolio. I everyone she shows this to to know who shot it.
Again, thanks, Herwig!
herwig b
{K:558} 12/5/2006
ooops... i didnt see, what u wrote bout ignoring that copyright...
its there paul....its visible...why should i ignore things, that are visible? where does this start, where should it end? next time, someone who is making a miserable image telling: ignore that its miserable, in reality its excellent...
again only my oppinion...
best regards again h
herwig b
{K:558} 12/5/2006
good paul! i like it
(but one word to the logo..: many are using it to prevent stealing it from the web... my oppinion: the only real safe possability to prevent that is... not to show images in the web... i can eliminate this logo in 5 minutes completely...)
best regards h
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 12/1/2006
No, Sal, she's very happy with her boyfriend, but I'll pass along the warm wishes. ;)
Salvatore Rossignolo
{K:13559} 12/1/2006
Does Vanessa Like Married men?lol Sal
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 11/29/2006
oooh what a brat you are!...best be glad i am not closer to TX to paddle yore boot-A!...hehehe
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 11/29/2006
Note to UF: I put the copyright in this photo JUST to tick off Gayle. ;)
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 11/29/2006
There was no direction suggested about arching, but I agree it would have made a stronger shot. Thanks, Stace!
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 11/29/2006
hi ya,i just posted 3 in a row!...first time doing that in eons...LOL... i like all about this with exception of stilted pose....agree with Stace...did you direct her in this pose,or she just struck it on her own?
i never said anything in the past,but big copyright text is distracting and maybe you can clone it out...or not...LOL... later,brat :)
Stace Walker
{K:4175} 11/28/2006
beautiful paul. i love the colors
her right leg looks a little akward, imo, tho.. maybe if she had turned a little bit so the inside of her knee was against the edge of the dock [kind of like sitting on a horse] and brought her heel up a bit to help point her toe more.. and maybe sit up a bit and arch her back more so she isn't leaning on her shoulders.. it'd seem a little less "open for business" and a little more sultry tease ;)
eesh.. i don't mean to sound so nit-picky! me and my completely amateur opinion haha
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 11/28/2006
Thanks for the comments, Rob! Yeah, I finally had to make pre-emptive comments about the copyright so people wouldn't bother pointing that out to me.
Rob Graziano
{K:6678} 11/28/2006
Wow Paul...excellent! I wish people would get over the copyright thing :) It's obvious you'd never print it up that way if you were going to put it in a gallery or wherever. :) I also like how you put a close up for people to see that she's not out of focus; even with sharpening things...resizing just kills photos...LOL! :) Great one again...especially love the pose and how her feet are angled.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 11/28/2006
I would guess it's just the resizing that caused that, Clay. As a rule, when shooting portraits I set the focus point on my 20D and always focus on the eyes. Here's a close-up of her face.
 that face... |
sascha jonack
{K:19715} 11/28/2006
Very sexy. Well captured with excellent light. Cheers Sascha
John-Eric Lemieux
{K:3045} 11/28/2006
Mr Paul very nice...beautiful model well done
Clay Boutin
{K:28722} 11/28/2006
Lovely model and outfit. Good makeup work. I like the picture but her face looks a tad out of focus. Maybe because the camera is focusing more on her bright red dress.
Arto Alanenpaa
{K:566} 11/28/2006
I think that mark outs are lilebit too hard. But I like the light and lady. :) 5