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untitled #2
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Image Title:  untitled #2
Favorites: 7 
 By: shelby koning  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  shelby koning {Karma:5450}
Project N/A Camera Model  
Categories Photoart
Film Format
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Uploaded 4/24/2003 Film / Memory Type  
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Views 574 Shutter
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for fear that I might fade away....

self titled


untitled #2

winter blues


project 480

#0018/you send me

a forest

siblings - present and future

There are 27 Comments in 1 Pages
Simona Alexe   {K:470} 7/2/2004
very interesting. i like it a lot!!!


Evina Schmidova Evina Schmidova   {K:2034} 6/4/2003
***** E.X.C.E.L.L.E.N.T *****


Martin Mora Martin Mora   {K:4666} 5/10/2003
Dark, gothic?, moody, intense, usually when looking at people photographs, we get a glimps of how they see the world, sometimes just a bit of whats in them, here I find that through your photography, I get a glimps of whats in the artist taking the photographs, I'v never seen anything that dwells into the photographer , the person, as deeply as this work your doing, its so much deeper that just photographs here, you must be a very interesting person to talk to.


tarjei ekenes krogh   {K:776} 5/3/2003
wow. expressive :-D ! son tarjeiav !


m.c. lopez   {K:14766} 4/28/2003
such a great one. I'm really moved ! So many significations possible here !!!!


Fabio Keiner   {K:81109} 4/27/2003
and I
hear you cry


vicky ego   {K:1423} 4/26/2003


GP Merfeld   {K:14396} 4/25/2003
Well, so much has been said already... How wonderful to have an image spark such dialogue - both outer and inner - for that's really what it is all about when presenting such beautifully evocative visions. I have always marveled at your soul-bearing, soul-searching imagery, whether it is dark and real, light and real, humorous and real... You go to the core and evoke an emotional response. And your technique is astounding in bringing all of this into passionate view. I can only hope to learn to use these kinds of brushes when trying to stroke my own visions into public view... Keep stirring em up, Shelby, and thanks for the inspiration.


Vassilis Kontogiannis   {K:577} 4/25/2003
A disturbing image at first glance - darkness and stains all over. It is a powerful image for the message it carries (I read the crits exchange) and I would be very interested to view a caption similar to your response here attached to your submissions. It helps unwind my thoughts and adds SO MUCH to your work! Regards, Vassilis


Hakan Aker   {K:14146} 4/24/2003
Shelby,i love this series so much,this is my favorite doll picture so far-for me its the strongest one also.I read the comments,Aurore's comments and your reply.It was interesting,hearing Aurore's ideas and yours but hey for me the images u create are stronger than the words,thanks for this beautiful series


Jay Gumm   {K:3084} 4/24/2003
Damm - I love this. I want to have taken it!


sept sea   {K:2569} 4/24/2003
... the doll's more lively...... touch and kind of sad reading..... but i really love it!!!


shelby koning   {K:5450} 4/24/2003
ah, aurore, what a critique, I care, and more so appreciate someone who takes the time to explore the messages that are inevitably embedded in a photo, and so, had to respond to this... the concept behind this in my minds eye is embracing the inner child & the point where we begin to leave childhood behind (or try to), and it has it's roots in objectification, shame --dirty, gritty, plastered in concrete (which forms the texture) I am the doll, I am the woman child, I am the concrete. not bored, but devoid of emotion, numb, the flat effect, strangled, strangling, no fear, this is life. I can capture only my experience, my history, my interpretations, and this is where my weakness lies. Self portraits are a glimpse into the mind of the artist. Wonderful critique from a thinking, feeling person. thank you!


Aurore Lynch   {K:1687} 4/24/2003
Hear I go running my big fat mouth again to somebody that probably doesn't want to hear it. Good thing I don't give a damn...

At first I thought, ok, the doll, the texture, the look on her face... I've seen it all before. Is there anything here that sets this apart from the multitude of similar artistic photos? But then I saw the hands, which served to impart a message to me. Has her childhood come back to haunt (strangle) her? Or is she just reaching puberty and struggling to escape from it? In that case, the dark eyesockets and placid look on the doll's face work well, but I have a hard time accepting the girl's facial expression in this image. It doesn't really say anything to me, at least not anything that seems to mesh with the other aspects of the image. She looks bored, or perhaps something more, but without a little more light in her eyes it's hard to say. The pursed lips really throw me off. My mind's eye sees her looking desperate, or scared, or conquered, but not bored. I'd also like to see the hands more clearly, as they seem an important part of the image.

Then again, maybe you're stating an entirely different message here. The whole thing looks dirty, and either that is a part of the massage, or simply an aesthetic value used to deepen the message. I'm not entirely sure. I struggle to find meaning in life. Making my own images helps me put my discoveries in perspective. Viewing other images helps me open my mind to new discoveries. I come here to find images that will do so. Your message is not entirely clear to me. Should it be? Or do you want me to make my own interpretation? If so, I have, somewhat, though some aspects of the image serve to diminish my understanding.

But, who cares, right? You made the image for yourself and perhaps that's all that matters. I don't really know anymore. Are we supposed to appeal to our audiences or ourselves only? Should we create messages that can be interpretated or that remain vague? Anyhow, thanks for sharing this, Shelby. I do like it. It's interesting, different, and has something more than most works do. Atmosphere, soul? Something. Will keep my eye out for more... unless you'd like me to keep my long-winded-ness to myself. Just let me know.



Dariush Talaie   {K:195} 4/24/2003
Wow!this is great !100 %!!


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 4/24/2003


Syrie Kovitz Syrie Kovitz   {K:1349} 4/24/2003


a tse & son   {K:295} 4/24/2003
Great expression,
strong and dramatic....
Like what you have done with it, the texture and everything
(maybe remove the whit dot in the right eye...?)


Ronny Van Eeckhoutte   {K:12734} 4/24/2003
Fantastic work, very nice composed...


deniz kaan copur   {K:12726} 4/24/2003
whoa! excellent! excellent! excellent! incredibly beautiful, outstanding work. giger-esque.


Jonathan Kane   {K:10641} 4/24/2003


Anna Aichinger   {K:4921} 4/24/2003
excellent !!!!


Joćo Figueiredo   {K:7674} 4/24/2003
Like It! ... reminds me of Pixies records cover design.


Branislav Fabijanich   {K:5453} 4/24/2003
Very interesting photo. Excellent work!


Jay Haldors   {K:75} 4/24/2003
Dark and brooding....well done


Marcin Gorski   {K:12388} 4/24/2003
spooky, eary and great


Chris Bauer   {K:434} 4/24/2003
Truly haunting....Shelby, you've definitely put my previously boring afternoon into perspective! Congrats!!




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