Gesine Bungi
{K:255} 11/2/2006
thanks for the tipp, Bob, I didn´t know that before... yes, I´ll be careful in the next pictures! Thank you very much, my friend ***Gesine
Bob Aldridge
{K:14758} 11/2/2006
Exellent lighting to this one Gesine,but you could burn out your camera senser behind the lens so take care when you do this.It is best to break up the light with a brach or two from the tree. Good lighting though nice comnposition well done, god bless you my dear.......Bob.
Gesine Bungi
{K:255} 10/31/2006
thanks a lot, Leo!
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 10/31/2006
Great picture my friend!!! Best Regards, Leo
Gesine Bungi
{K:255} 10/30/2006
thank you very much for the nice comment! really appreciate that! Greetings, Gesine
Dania Loulah
{K:1545} 10/30/2006
i like the sun flare, very nice with the nature silhouette..great shot!