dan bar
{K:7194} 8/31/2008
Loved your Travel photos, you know you should really make an album in this site, www.trekinu.com .
like this presentation, http://www.trekinu.com/viewtrek.aspx?trkid=on25i9bs77ti30y
its free and you can share with us the places you traveled to on the map. takes 3-4 minutes... (this is NOT a site to replace useFilm, it's for sharing albums with music and send to friends and share here with your photos)
Lu Saponi
{K:144} 11/1/2006
Thanks Dave. I like also the ocen in behind it....
Lu Saponi
{K:144} 11/1/2006
thanks Paul. I love Gaudi.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 10/28/2006
Great perspective here, Lu! A different view than usual of this much photogaphed sight. The construction cranes alongside the spires provide a great contrast. Well done! Dave.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 10/28/2006
What a wonderful sense of scale and perspective you have captured here. Very nice tribute to a real dreamer (Antonio).