Carlen Boersema
{K:6789} 9/21/2006
Yeah, I didn't want it lightened too much because it was really dark when I took it. I had never tried night shots before this. I agree with the grain part, it's tricky...
James Cook
{K:38068} 9/21/2006
I think Doyle and Shirley both have the right idea. I also think they both went too far.
Your image is really dark, but if you recall my Good-night Cowboy you know that I don't mind dark.
The imporant part is finding that balance between the color and texture that you want to emphasize and the avoidance of either adding grain or removing important details.
Hope that's useful.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 8/22/2006
Thank you so much, dear Carlen! I do love night shots! It is a bit on the dark side, and I like what Doyle has done...if maybe too light. Here's my attempt. The bright moon probably fooled your camera's meter. It is difficult to get a good exposure when including the moon unless you do a double exposure, or two exposures that you combine later in the computer.

Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 8/21/2006
Hey Carlen . . . nope, not at home (till about 3:00pm) and this monitor is very dark . . . I'm sure it's too lightened (my example). I don't need to play with it so much as check on a different monitor . . . and I'm sure this one made it way toooooo light . . . this dinosaur monitor bites! Anyway . . . ISO - longer exposure are a couple of good ideas to play with . . . I'll look at this again later. :)
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Carlen Boersema
{K:6789} 8/21/2006
Thanks Doyle. Are you still away from home?
I noticed a higher ISO would have been better but I'll hopefully remember for next time. (it's not a question of IF it's a question of WHEN lol) Personally I think you lightened it too much. The night feeling is lost to me and the moon is blown out. If you want to play with this more I should send you the original because I had already edited the brightness/contrast a lot. Beware, it's a tricky one though...
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 8/21/2006
"I dunno, critique me". I just Love it Carlen . . . stretch out and try new things. I have had mixed luck with night shots but I think a quicker ISO is certainly called for here . . . The image itself is a beautiful one . . . might even work better with a longer exposure . . . smoothing the water and allowing more light. I did play with the image a bit and dramatically increased the contrast and midtones . . . and slightly increased the brightness. I don't have the best monitor on hand so the edited version is FAR from perfect but I think you'll be able to see where I'm headed in the way of advice . . . (I hope, I hope) . . . Keep it up Carlen . . . I love seeing what's next with you!
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
 Bright / Contrast / Midtone adjustments |