j esford
{K:13518} 9/7/2006
My dear Rina, you were right the first time! But "freakin'" idea? (You simply must do better than "freakin'"!) You've given me great feedback, the first I ever got on UF! (we really must get married as soon as possible you know.....) "Nonsensical jibber-jabber" is NOT in your vocabulary. You're the best my lovely........-john
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 9/7/2006
.... on second thought, it could be I have no freakin idea what I'm talking about, so please disregard any nonsensical jibber-jabber above.
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 9/5/2006
Just reading through the comments and in my opinion, I don't think it's overly dark at all. Though, it's difficult to tell really since the image size is a bit on the small side. Judging by the settings, f11 is always going to give you darker shadows, but on the plus side, it also gives you the best colours on a sunny day.
Whilst Linda's opinion may be valid, I feel it was more a 'self-promotion' than a critique. Is the image too dark? Possibly. But I'm going to hold off judgement til I see a larger version.
John, don't be discouraged by going digital. Continue to do the work BEFORE the shot. Anyone who has to do massive amounts of post work (whether using film or digi), isn't doing it right in the first place anyway. At least digital gives you an immediate second chance at getting it right.
BTW, this is a super action shot!
j esford
{K:13518} 8/25/2006
This shot is puzzling for me. I've worked with it in PS, but since I didn't capture it in RAW, the shadowed details aren't that strong when lightened. The color saturation w/dark shadows gives me a nice contrast (which I personally like), but doesn't appeal to others. One of the most discouraging things for me with doing digital is the post production desktop stuff. I'm too used to doing the work BEFORE the shot, not before AND after. LOL -john
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 8/25/2006
Great action shot and like the angle john..nessa
Linda Shier
{K:76} 8/20/2006
Great angle but the light was not working for you and IMHO it is way too dark. Great composition! I shoot many races so I understand limited conditions. I added an image I took at Churchill so you know what I mean, or visit my website if you like to see more. Warmly, Linda
Raw Speed at Churchill Downs |
Mary Slade
{K:40338} 8/18/2006
This is brilliant- I love horses. And the life you captured in this one is wonderful.
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 8/18/2006
Uffff... cuánto movimiento y fuerza!! Felicitaciones!
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 8/18/2006
Impactante toma. Felicitaciones. Un abrazo!