City - Kenosha State - WISCONSIN Country - United States
The flower of the plant known as "Jimson Weed" blooms in the evening and they love to be wet. This plant was said to have made many people deadly sick in the Jamestown settlement in early America, the name got morphed to "Jimson". So don't always judge a book by the cover! I used an off camera flash overhead for the main light and two flashlights, one to light the stem and produce the inner glow and one for the center of the flower overhead. Have a great day, Cary
Well Jim, I only have two hands, but a set of knees works well as a light holder too! Sometimes one tucked under my chin and neck, must be a real sight to the neighbors!
It certainly is. I was wondering just how many hands you have to maneuver your camera and all those lights :-). I really like how the lighting came out though. Very nice shot.