Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 5/12/2007
many thanks for the link! right, that was where i'd seen ur piX before ;)
regards, MaryaM
Mohammad Reza Shahrokhi Nejad
{K:7396} 5/9/2007
http://shahrokhi.akkasee.com M.reza
Sam Kh
{K:19017} 7/31/2006
lovely and attractive pic good job!
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 7/14/2006
thank you so much Ez for taking time to wander through my profile and leaving kind words like this!
good luck, MaryaM :)
Ezequiel Lozada
{K:17176} 7/14/2006
What a style ! So beautiful to see those geometric forms. Splendid. Ez
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 7/12/2006
many thanks dear jessie...your comment made me so delighted
cheers, MaryaM :)
jessie voigts
{K:6772} 7/12/2006
maryam - this is so gorgeous! it should be a puzzle. wow, the colors!!
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 7/9/2006
thank you so much dear Nacho for supportive comments of yours!
regards, MaryaM :)
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 7/8/2006
great details. marvelous composition.
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 6/24/2006
aprecio grandemente tu atencion buena y animando comenta respecto a mi fotografias. todo tu respeto agradable me encanto!
salodoooos, MaryaM :)
josep alsina
{K:19880} 6/24/2006
Excelente toma fotográfica de un impresionante y maravilloso monumento. Saludos de Josep
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 6/22/2006
many thanks Lorenzo for visiting my portfolio...yeah our enviroment is not simillar to eachother and it's a possitive point. this way u come across to new points of view that never experienced before...anyways, your nice comments are greatly appreciated!
ciao, MaryaM :)
Lorenzo Parisi
{K:6277} 6/22/2006
Hi Maryam, I can see your environment is very different from mine! That's the beauty of this site... Incredible architecture of this monument also well captured. Lorenzo
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 6/21/2006
thanks a lot Amir for knid words...i'm so happy that u liked it :)
cheers, MaryaM
Amir Mohammadi
{K:4258} 6/20/2006
great and a professional shot. I like the name of image. good luck. Amir
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 6/20/2006
thanks a lot dear Viola for checking my profile! you are so kind and your nice words are greatly appreciated...thanks!
regards, MaryaM :)
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 6/20/2006
many thanks Nesreen for visiting my portfolio and nice comments!
my bests, MaryaM :)
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 6/20/2006
i appreciate you for the nice comments!
regards, MaryaM :)
Claudia Perilli
{K:31090} 6/20/2006
Great light and color!! Great composition.
Nesreen Edrees
{K:738} 6/20/2006
Wonderful abstract, beautiful colors and details.
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 6/19/2006
Such a beauty is amazing me! Perfect work:Your and of architect:)I am thanking you for the interest and pleasing words.:)Viola.
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 6/19/2006
thanks a lot for nice comments!
cheers, MaryaM :)
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 6/18/2006
Excellent Architecture Maryam , very well taken .
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 6/18/2006
thanks a lot dear Paolo for nice comments...i'm so delighted with your words and so happy that u liked it!
cheers, MaryaM :)
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 6/18/2006
i'm without words in front of an image of such beautiful architecture! an amazing capture from you my favs! PAOLO :)
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 6/18/2006
salam in web site akkasee ro ghablan check karde boodam ghablan (be pishnahade yeki az doostan baraye raf'e eshkalate akkasim) ama webloge shomaro nadide boodam, mamnoon ke addresse linkesho dadid...hamin alan khoondanesh tamoom shod. pas dorost hads zadeh boodam ;) az ashnaietoon khoshhalam :) it's my honour to have your comments or critical remarks on my shots!
my best reagrds, MaryaM
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 6/18/2006
thanks a lot for nice words and complement...ur comments are always appreciated :)
cheers, MaryaM
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 6/18/2006
many thanks Phillip for ur encouraging words...it's great that u liked it and i'm so happy about it :)
best regards, MaryaM
Mohammad Reza Shahrokhi Nejad
{K:7396} 6/18/2006
Salam. Tanx for your comment. http://shahrokhi.akkasee.com/
k o c (saatci)
{K:8257} 6/17/2006
Great work. The colors and light are very good.
Regards. Kemal
Phillip Minnis
{K:13131} 6/17/2006
Oh, Wow! I love these types of shots! Just beautiful!
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 6/17/2006
thank you soooo much dear Mary for kind regards and encouraging words...your comments made me delighted and i'm so happy that u liked the pic :)
cheers, MaryaM
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 6/17/2006
many thanks dear Linda for your nice words...ur comments and complements are so appreciated. u r right about the lighting in the pic, i must try more to control the passing light through my lense ;)
best regards, MaryaM :)
Mary Slade
{K:40338} 6/17/2006
This is beautiful Maryam. So full clean and gorgeous colour. Love the angle and the natural frame at the top.
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 6/16/2006
What a beautiful architectural abstract..the details are very nice. I'd like to see a bit more darks to make the details and shapes stand out a bit more, but you did a great job with this..wonderful work!!
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 6/16/2006
thanks :) yeah, it's another piece of architecture designed during the Safavid dynasty...i'm just trying to introduce our worthy heritage and architecture to the visitors...i wish i could succeed ;)
regards, MaryaM
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 6/16/2006
many thanks Joggie for the encouraging words and nice comments...and ur edited version would be greatly appreciated :)
best regards, MaryaM
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 6/16/2006
Salam I think you are trying to say about the Islamic Art during Savvid ! LOvelY
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 6/16/2006
A breathtaking shot MAryam. The design here is excellent - with this lens you succeeded to show us what the archiect had in mind. I would try to mask out the left third of the photo to exclude the overexposed areas - you will then have a square format which might even be stronger. Great work - well done! Joggie