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Image Title:  lost!
Favorites: 0 
 By: Maryam Shokri  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer  Maryam Shokri {Karma:3545}
Project #52 Patterns in Nature Camera Model cannon S1/IS
Categories Nature
From The Field
Film Format Digital JPEG Norm
Portfolio Lens Cannon lens 5.8-58mm
Uploaded 6/5/2006 Film / Memory Type digital
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 539 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 25 Rating
/ 4 Ratings
Location City -  Tehran
State -  TEHRAN
Country - Iran   Iran
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There are 25 Comments in 1 Pages
m , m ,   {K:15872} 9/6/2006
Even though it is true that a picture tells more than any words, but a right definition is giving extraordinary feeling to get the point of an image!
The picture is creative regarding to the definition: LOST! You’ve composed a kind of colour-tones which provides the atmosphere of your point.
Best regards: Maxime


Maryam Shokri   {K:3545} 6/8/2006
ummmm...yeah, lost is related to the path in this shot...i donno what's the matterZ with my piX u aint like them at all these days...but in this one i thought my experiment to get a pic in sepia tones without any PS work and just by adjusting the amount of light passing through the lense was not badZ :(
anyways, many thanks for your commentZ Sam!

gOOd LuckZ, MaryaM


Sam Kh Sam Kh   {K:19017} 6/8/2006
what did u lose? your path?
not bad at all but I don't like the color is not real or even old's a usual pic which is taken by everyone ,as far as my considered!


Maryam Shokri   {K:3545} 6/8/2006
thank you for the complement and nice comments!

regards, MaryaM :)


Omnia Mamdouh Omnia Mamdouh   {K:5107} 6/8/2006
Great shot Maryam,nice composition & colors.Well done


Maryam Shokri   {K:3545} 6/7/2006
thanks a lot Claudia!

MaryaM :)


Maryam Shokri   {K:3545} 6/7/2006
many thanks Nil for your supportive and encouraging words! the only thing i have to mention is that there is no effect added to the's the original version and the sepia tone is cuz of the amount of light passed through the lense...your comments are greatly appreciated :)

cheers, MaryaM


Maryam Shokri   {K:3545} 6/7/2006
thank you so much Kemal for your nice words...yeah, you are right, this picture is captured in a very wonderful and intresting park of tehran...i luv that place. that's really beautiful in all seasons of the year and designed by different kinda trees...

cheers, MaryaM :)


Maryam Shokri   {K:3545} 6/7/2006
thanks a lot Nacho for nice comments as ever!

cheers, MaryaM :)


Maryam Shokri   {K:3545} 6/7/2006
wow...many thanks Danuta for kind words! your nice regards made me so delighted :)

my best wishes, MaryaM


Claudia Perilli Claudia Perilli   {K:31090} 6/7/2006
Great colors. Very warm.



Nilanjan Mitra Nilanjan Mitra   {K:12955} 6/7/2006
Wonderful MaryaM.. this is excellent.. great color.. and excellent tonality.. the sepeia effect makes it more perfect..


k o                            c (saatci)  k o c (saatci)    {K:8257} 6/7/2006
Very good composition and interesting place.



Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 6/7/2006
marvelous tones. great compsoition. wonderful.


Danuta B. Danuta B.   {K:426} 6/7/2006
Atmospheric and enchanting… Love the sepia colors. You have incredible eye for capturing atmosphere of places. Great portfolio!

Cheers Danuta


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 6/6/2006
Hi Baha, thanks for your explanation, but I think when the photo is good, you don't need PS. The original, that's the moment you've captured something or someone, and when you use PS, sometimes, not always, the photo becomes something different than when you took it. Than you aren't a good photographer IMO, but a good PS worker. I wouldn't say that it is wrong, but it is not my idea of a good photo, when you make somehting good from a sometimes very bad photo makes you a good PS worker. Hope you understand my way of thinking.
Best regards, take care,



Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 6/6/2006
Thanks for your reply Maryam, and sorry for metioning PS, but to me the colour looks a bit unnatural, so I was thinking on PS work. Wouldn't do it anymore.
So here's my explanation.
Take care,



Maryam Shokri   {K:3545} 6/6/2006
thank you so much dear Baha for your on point regards...anyways, as i told Klaas, although i realy like and enjoy creating different version of my shots in PS, but this one is the original without any effect!
thanks a lot for encouraging and nice wors :)
best regards, MaryaM :)


Maryam Shokri   {K:3545} 6/6/2006
thanks a lot Galal for visiting my piX and nice words on this photo :)



Maryam Shokri   {K:3545} 6/6/2006
many thanks Klaas for your kind concern as ever...but i aint added any effect in PS to this's the original version. i like creating different version of my piX in PS but usualy present the originals ;)

cheers, MaryaM :)


Maryam Shokri   {K:3545} 6/6/2006
many thanks Paolo for ur nice regards and greetings!...i always check your profile and like so much the way you compose your frames ;)

ciao, MaryaM :)


Mahmoud Baha Sadri Mahmoud Baha Sadri   {K:19634} 6/6/2006
Hi Maryam,
Some thing I should mention to Klaas and you ,to some extent,is that the crucial role of lab in photography is undeniable,and PS is the lab which lets you expand your creativity.I'm glad you've taken a go at it.Keep it up and create more nice shots like this one,


Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 6/5/2006
Nice angle & natural composition , well taken .



Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 6/5/2006
Good composition Maryam, the tree in front gives depth to this image. I'm not a fan of PS, so probably would like the original one more, but good shot anyway. That's only my opinion.
Take care,



Paolo Corradini Paolo Corradini   {K:59552} 6/5/2006
warm colors fot this interesting place..your interpretation is perfect :)




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