hand-held against the concrete railing at Bellagio, this was 1/4 second in burst mode.
[True Story] A co-worker of mine has long been admiring my photography, and is a photographer himself. He went out and bought a Canon 30D, 580EX flash, kit lens, IS telephoto...the works.
Then, he starts taunting me about our pending work trip to Vegas, and how he was gonna 'smoke me' with his newer, better camera.
[Paul then makes a gesture, with two fingers pointing at his eyes. He knows it is the core of Paul's photo philosophy: It's all about the vision, not about the camera.]
I take him up on his boast, and sweeten the deal: we'll make the trip itself a photo contest. We each post our three best in the NewTek hallway for people to vote for the best one.
Now, flash-forward to our moment at Bellagio here. He cmoes up to me, after I've fired off 100+ fountain shots, and whispers that he's not getting any shots.
I helpfully explain how I'm underexposing two stops to get better exposure of the ironwork, and he stops me and tells me he's getting nothing.