Ace Star
{K:21040} 6/21/2006
thanks Phillip :)
wish you all the best
Phillip Minnis
{K:13131} 6/21/2006
A wonderful perspective image, Ace Star! Wonderful comp and tones!
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 4/8/2006
marvelous perspective. stuning tones. a delight. beautiful portafolio. 7
Ace Star
{K:21040} 4/8/2006
thanks brother! never mind ... your comments r more precious to me not fav :)
happy weekend and good luck
Ace Star
{K:21040} 4/8/2006
thanks sister! always appreciate your nice words :)
wish you all the best
Ace Star
{K:21040} 4/8/2006
thanks Ali! so nice of you brother
wish you all the best
Klaas Baas
{K:15111} 4/8/2006
Ace, forgot to click on the fav, but already recovered my mistake. Have a nice weekend,
Fatemeh Rahimi
{K:13523} 4/8/2006
it ends at the mountain! a clash! the angle is perfect! i like it in B&W! well done dear!
Ali Naghizadeh
{K:19600} 4/7/2006
Great shot Ace .. Nice composition.. great tones and contrasts.. Well done..
My best regards, aLi
Ace Star
{K:21040} 4/7/2006
thanks Ray for your lovely words :)
thanks & good luck
Ace Star
{K:21040} 4/7/2006
thanks Galal :)
wish you all the best
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 4/7/2006
Excellent perspective of this long road disappearing into the mountains. Wonderful mono tones and very well composed. Your 'about' is truely amazing my dear Ace and I see you as a very gentle and thoughtful person happy to share your personal inner thoughts and beliefs. Well done for a great composition and some inspiring words. My very best wishes to you as always...Ray
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 4/6/2006
wonderul B&W composition Ace , very nice angle & tones .
Ace Star
{K:21040} 4/6/2006
thanks Klaas! u know when your comment came to my mailbox i said its klaas comment and when i opened it i was right hehe :)
thanks again & wish you all the best
Ace Star
{K:21040} 4/6/2006
thanks Selami :)
good luck
Ace Star
{K:21040} 4/6/2006
very well said Doyle your words r too good :)
thanks & wish you all the best
Ace Star
{K:21040} 4/6/2006
thanks mary for your lovely words :) i agree mary GOD is who is more closer then us and by nature we always r connected to him like seeing the nature beauty of his ... he's beautiful he's everywhere that's what i like about him :) hope this beauty light us more and more every second and min :)
good luck
Klaas Baas
{K:15111} 4/6/2006
Hi Ace, nice to see a new one from you, fantastic one too, I like the angle vey much, I like how the road fills the foreground from left to right, I like the way the road leads the eye into the mountains, I like the shadows in the mountains, I like the lighting, I like.......... the whole image, and I like the choise of using only Black and White. This one for sure, goes to my favorites. All of the best my brother, take care of yourself,
Ace Star
{K:21040} 4/6/2006
thanks Wayne for your nice comment :)
wish you good luck
Ace Star
{K:21040} 4/6/2006
thanks brother :)
wish you good luck
Ace Star
{K:21040} 4/6/2006
thanks laura for your lovely words :)
good luck
Ace Star
{K:21040} 4/6/2006
thanks Rina! :)
wish you good luck
Ace Star
{K:21040} 4/6/2006
thanks Piero Somma :)
good luck
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 4/6/2006
Really love it Ace, There are so many things to say about-in a single word-SUPERB!! Excellent work. Best wishes,Riny
selami Torun
{K:9397} 4/6/2006
Great composition and perspective. Very nice contrast, ligth and shadow.. Congratulations...... Best regards
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 4/6/2006
Ace: Great image with good light, contrast and tones. The composition is good too. I note the religious statement and think how the mountain in the image is so symbolic of the World's many religions . . . becoming a symbol for life . . . a struggle or journey, sometimes easy, sometimes difficult. A path from the lower to the higher . . . where people can follow leaders who have gone before or can strike out on their own . . . There are many levels of symbolism . . . but the image is good.
Regards, Doyle I <-----
Mary Slade
{K:40338} 4/6/2006
Brilliant picture Ace- the perspective, centralising that road and where it takes us a great vision. Also good to hear that it is where you were happy. As always, good to read your words too. But I can't totally believe that God is completely removed from all of humanity...but can always get better and strive to get closer.
Wayne Harridge
{K:18292} 4/6/2006
Very good B&W, I like the composition but I would probably make it a bit more contrasty.
Mohammad Porooshani
{K:20765} 4/6/2006
Very good work. I van see you starting! Go on, you're on a true right way! Mohammad
Laura Spell
{K:24080} 4/6/2006
Very well composed, the road leading into the background is a great lead to the mountain. Tones, light and contrast are excellent.
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 4/6/2006
Wow, I don't know what moves me more - the magnificent B&W image before me or the passion in your statement.
Ace, I'm left awestruck and speechless...
Piero Somma
{K:13399} 4/6/2006
great perspective & good tone! congrat. ciao
Ace Star
{K:21040} 4/6/2006
thanks Richard :)
wish you all the best
Richard DuCroix
{K:1142} 4/6/2006
great perspective....great tones...great shot!