michael sammut
{K:126} 2/16/2007
beautiful tones amd shot. One thing though. I would have got the wings more to the right to get the whole monument. Seeing that the writing is so sharp, it's not all visible. Pity about that.
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 5/3/2006
Have no fear my friend . . . the 'creepy' factor is well represented in your portrayal. So when will you be out taking night shots? :-p
Regards, Doyle I <-----
j esford
{K:13518} 4/13/2006
Doyle, I have to tell ya' my friend. This has to have been the spookiest place I've been! (Yeah okay so DUH! it IS a cemetery!), but there are cemeteries and there are CEMETERIES! My wife and I stopped by to "pay our respects" at 10AM on a bright, beautifully sunny November morn. It's difficult to sense the gloominess and darkness, but it's there and it is a bizarre feeling, I must say. It's very chic nowadays to promote "haunted" places. If there is such a thing as being "haunted", this place is it! You can tell a lot about a community by how they care for their dead. The keepers open up all the wrought-iron gates every night, in order to "...allow the spirits to wander the park!" Absolutely beautiful park of the recently departed, but really REALLY creepy here.
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 4/13/2006
BWA HAHAHAHA! (my evil laugh) . . . we think enough alike to get into all kinds of trouble I suspect!
Regards, Doyle I <-----
j esford
{K:13518} 4/13/2006
Thanks Doyle, great tip! Actually my first choice was a baseball mitt, to be appropriately titled....."Angels In The Outfield"(?) Pretty "catchy" dontcha' think!
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 4/13/2006
Wow . . . unique image. Perhaps if you could use a prop . . . say a pool stick . . . you could call it Angels Playing Pool. (Ok, perhaps that is a bit over the top and disrespectful!) Another good capture!
Regards, Doyle I <-----
j esford
{K:13518} 3/22/2006
Éste era uno de los cementerios "ma's spookiest" que he visitado siempre. Locals dice cada uno de cómo le está frecuentado es (sí, como HOLA!), ¡pero este lugar era oscuro en el día Alicia! Lugar muy muy extraño a visitar. Grandes ops de la foto sin embargo...
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 3/22/2006
Preciosa escultura...muy bien lograda. Las luces que has elegido ayudan a realzar su belleza. Felicitaciones!
alexander jones
{K:222} 3/21/2006
The subject is beautiful. I like the quality of the variations in the sunlight.