Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 12/8/2003
great shot! love the tones also! regards.
Paul Stenquist
{K:182} 6/23/2003
Hi Michael, Thanks for commenting on a number of my photos. This is a different woman, who just happens to be named Amy. My two favorite models are both named Amy. I sometimes refer to them as "big Amy" and "little Amy." I doubt that either of them appreciate that .
Michael W.
{K:842} 6/22/2003
She played her role too well. Not a favorite image of Amy but the photographer did a fine job.
Paul Stenquist
{K:182} 2/10/2003
Thanks for the comments. They are appreciated. In response to Paul's suggestion regarding framing, I purposely cropped the shot to move Amy off center. I think the rock wall balances the composition nicely and makes it more intersting. The full neg includes more wall, and I have cropped it to center the model in previous galleries. You can see the uncropped version here: http://home.earthlink.net/~pnstenquist/_uimages/amywbw.jpg
paul durrant
{K:1047} 2/10/2003
nice pose/expression. i personally would have moved the camera slightly more to the right for better framing IMO.
Verna Absolutestockphoto
{K:2836} 2/10/2003
Nice Model Type Pose Paul...she could be selling Jackets.