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'Yours truly' ~ TRULY!!!
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Image Title:  'Yours truly' ~ TRULY!!!
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 By: Chris Spracklen  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Chris Spracklen {Karma:32552}
Project #9 Pictures of Our Members Camera Model Nikon D70
Categories Journalism
Film Format
Portfolio Sundries
Lens Nikon  70-300mm f/4-5.6D ED AF
Uploaded 6/11/2005 Film / Memory Type Digitex 512MB CF card
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 712 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 31 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Stoke Canon
State -  DEVON
Country - United Kingdom   United Kingdom
About Taken tonight at the Fun Band concert?

Yes, that's not my real hair!!

It was a great gig and we raised quite a bit of cash for the local church roof as well as 'raising the roof' in the Jubilee Hall!!

Best regards to all,

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There are 31 Comments in 1 Pages
Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 6/26/2005
So that is where my "wig" went to lol

Great capture, what a moment - now if you had told Den, Ade, Alastair, Ken and myself that this event was on, we would have turned up for certain lol

Great capture :-)

Best wishes,


ade mcfade   {K:12388} 6/16/2005
The real Cheris is revealed to Usefilm at last!!

Did you sing anything by the Wurzles?

I've been in a few bands - a great buzz playing live, though I'm no singer :-(


Merete Westerdahl   {K:11079} 6/15/2005
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...I see.

I was about to write you..cause I was worried..haven't heard a word today!! )


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 6/15/2005
Whoops! Forgot to answer this one, Merete?
The 'string' around my neck is called a 'bolo' and it's something people who are into Country and Western music tend to wear! But I just like them!
Hugs, Chris


Tiger Lily     {K:10966} 6/13/2005
This is so much fun Chris. I knew about the lyrics you had written for an Easter song but had no idea you also sang and played in a band. You are multi-talented.


Giorgio Goretti   {K:15471} 6/13/2005
great show Chris
i love it a lot, very amusing reportage.
BTW i'm crazy for E.Clapton too :-))
truly congratulations for the performance!!



Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 6/12/2005
I think we'll release it posthumously, Keith! )
Thanks for the comment!
Best regards, Chris


Larry Quigley Larry Quigley   {K:12887} 6/12/2005
I've checked out the attached pictures and I think the real you is the one in the cowboy hat. You would fit in fine in the range country of Nebraska, Chris! Regards, Larry


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 6/12/2005
Well, don't you look irresitable. Is there an official fan club formed yet? You'd better watch out for the groupies. You'll have to carry ac stick to beat off the ladies.
Thanks for your comment on my sun rays picture. I always like hearing from you.


Margaret Sturgess   {K:49403} 6/12/2005
Carole did a fine job here, a reckon she will be able to use them to blackmail you at a later date LOL


Keith Naylor   {K:13064} 6/12/2005
Hey that looks like a good night out Chris, when is the album due out ?


Riny  Koopman   {K:19998} 6/12/2005
Is that you Chris?Beautiful shots. Thank you.

Kind regards,



Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 6/12/2005
Hi Chris,above all ,my best compliment for your beautiful guitars,because,I as a guitar play as you have a modest collection of four guitars,two electrics and two acustics.Ibanez are my preferit,but I like also Fender or Gibson.I like the shot for the beautiful pose during your performance.


Alastair Bell   {K:29571} 6/12/2005
Had a great chuckle when Marie and I saw these! Never realised you were note only a talented photographer but also a musician as well! Great people shots of you....

We'll have to get you to play a number at the next UF meet!


brian daws brian daws   {K:3376} 6/12/2005
I think words from Starship are in order...'we built this city on Rock and Rollllll.....'
Great shots Chris..perhaps a career in modelling certainly have the capacity portraying different looks
Regards, Brian


Merete Westerdahl   {K:11079} 6/12/2005
) Cute!!! Silly blonddddddddddd....
I have always wonder why you're having a string around your neck!!!??? What is that??????????????



julie hugill julie hugill   {K:6730} 6/12/2005
You had a ball great photos very funny lol !!
Cheers Julie


Rosario Esposito Rosario Esposito   {K:9796} 6/12/2005
Simpatica cattura, se suoni come fotografi....allora sei bravo!!!


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 6/12/2005
Looks as if you had fun as well as raising money (and the roof).


Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 6/12/2005
Wonderful shots Chris , Enjoy ....



Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 6/12/2005
And a final shot with my beautiful red Strat!!


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 6/12/2005
And, yes, I really do have a Stetson ~ of sorts!! )
All shots taken by carole, of course!


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 6/12/2005
Whoops!! Forgot the attachment!!


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 6/12/2005
Here's the other wig/hat for your further amusement.
I hasten to add the haggard look is entirely down to age and stress and nothing to do with the excesses usually associated with a rock'n'roll lifestyle!! )
Pity I can have an mp3 file running in the background!!
Best regards, Chris


Antonio Trincone   {K:23167} 6/12/2005
one can easily say roof_Top music here


Jim Christensen   {K:18843} 6/12/2005
Chris as ever a very neat shot, question, is the drummer a relative ?? sure looks alot like you ..
Arthur Ritis has pretty much terminated my playing days. D28 still in the closet ..
have a great weekend


Carolyn Wiesbrock   {K:14051} 6/11/2005
Looks like you were having a lot of fun..good 'people' photo!


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 6/11/2005
Thanks, John!!!
In fact, this was only one of four different hats that I wore during the concert. I had another one which was a baseball cap with long grey hair attached!! I also had a stetson which went well with my bolo!!
It was a fun evening! We played everything from Clapton to Cat Stevens, Eagles to The Las. Now it's time for bed as it it's 1a.m. here!!
Have a great Sunday!!
Every blessing,


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 6/11/2005
Thats quite a look friend, very much in good spirits.


John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 6/11/2005
Chris, You long haired rocker You!!!
This is a whoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Wife said "that's not Chris is it?"I said "sure is!!!!!!!!" He's a hip Pastor isn't He?!?!LOL

TOO funny!!!!!!!

You have to die Your eyebrows to match the hair!!

Is it true blondes have more fun????HAHAHAHA
Sure looks like You were having a ball!!!!
Take care Chris!!!! My best................John


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 6/11/2005

You just get funnier by the day Chris!
Looks like you had a 'hair raising' good time!

Lori :)




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