sanjeev jain
{K:8763} 12/27/2005
beautiful i like their drunken look ,,,,it seems they are always drunken and somehow managing to stand and on other time they appear to me like dancing in bliss.....mad trees nice capture alison.....
Debby Biri
{K:4775} 2/8/2005
Alison, I really like the composition of this crooked little tree standing alone and bare. Bet it will be equally as lovely when it starts to bud in the spring. -- Debby
Nedim Muhic
{K:14362} 2/8/2005
Very nice landscape. Excellent work, very lovely shapes but brrrrr, hugs! Regards, Nedim.
Marcio Galvão
{K:2149} 2/7/2005
Wow, very very nice bw... One of my favs.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 2/5/2005
Beautiful winter scene, Alison! I like the tones! Dave.
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 2/4/2005
really like the mood and feeling here.. great bw tones.. great composition,Very moody. Well done, Alison
Amir Mohammadi
{K:4258} 2/4/2005
I think it should have been colour image ;because the composition of white and blue is wonderful .best regards ..Amir
Bryan Miller
{K:3395} 2/4/2005
I believe it is a very interesting fotograph. I do think the fotograph would be stronger without the distracting limbs on the right though --- they seem to block the eye from flowing to the back of the fotograph. what do you think?
{K:42404} 2/4/2005
excelente fotografía mi querida hermanita, acabo de hablar con Dirck entre nuestros comentarios, el es muy gracioso ?no? tiene buen humor mira la sensación que me da tu foto

Ahmad Hasan
{K:4164} 2/4/2005
good work being in B&W makes it very impressive ,regards
Dirck DuFlon
{K:35779} 2/4/2005
This does look good in black and white, Alison! The torturous twists in the tree trunk really fit the starkness and cold of the scene perfectly. It gets a little lost in the background trees, but re-emerges nicely into the sky above!
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 2/4/2005
Excellent bw Alison! Superb composition and exposure.
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 2/4/2005
There was a crooked (wo)man who walked a crooked mile to find a crooked tree and ......................................................take its picture. Nice shot Alison! There's that cold place again! brrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Have a good night Friend!.........John
Laura Spell
{K:24080} 2/4/2005
Very good shot of the tree and the snow. Poor thing has been bent out of shape by the winds.
Neal Nye
{K:15827} 2/4/2005
Nice in black and white. I wonder if this is how a lot of us feel - a little bent and twisted, but still able to stand up and lean into the wind. There's a good feeling to this.