no longer a member
{K:10557} 4/1/2005
This one is one of my favorites in your portfolio. Outstanding detail, composition, and colors. This one is deserving an award. 7++++
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 3/14/2005
Fabulous image, Ian! I love it! Sorry to be brief! Best regards, Chris
Dorothy Di Liddo
{K:13787} 2/24/2005
On my fav list!!! Dottie
Ian Crean
{K:14866} 2/23/2005
Hi Ian, I like your attitudeto learning, good on yer! The sharp details throughoyt the scene are excellent as is your composition. It has been said about overuse of the filters and I would add that these have induced very noticeable pixelated bows in the dark area at the top. The idea is good Ian, your portfolio is building nicely if perhaps a little over enthusiastic about the filters!
Marcelo Sestren
{K:177} 1/9/2005
Long exposition gave the water an excellent texture. Beautiful!
Jorg Reif
{K:16020} 11/4/2004
Hi Ian, georgeous landscape shot, such beauty and clarity in the colours, such diverse textures. Thanks for your friendly commentss to mine. Seeing your beautiful portfolio I am flattered. Regards Jorg
Graham Mulrooney
{K:15728} 11/4/2004
A stunning image Ian. Such lovely light and colour caught to perfection. One for my favourites. Regards, Graham. PS the blue border goes well but think maybe it needs desaturating a little.
greg collins
{K:12273} 11/3/2004
Beautiful photo. The colour within the rocks and the water are great. Nice image. Greg Dunedin
Michele Maiocchi
{K:685} 10/29/2004
Really good shot, nice shapes, colours and textures. Sincerely... you were on the earth?
Regards Michele Italy
Robert Gaither
{K:34128} 10/28/2004
Speaking of moon I didn't even go out an look at the lunar eclispe I forgot about it until they showed it on the new. Excellent composition and contrast. I like this one a lot.
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 10/28/2004
Magnificent creative beauty.
Teresa Moore
{K:11063} 10/25/2004
Very nice story Ian. I hope you continue to enjoy every minute of it.
Ian Sharp
{K:1762} 10/24/2004
Hi Teresa, actually I fell into this by accident, I post news articles on an aviation forum for the past 4 years and bought my Sony F707 to put images to go with the articles, started reading some camera forums and got interested in other forms of photography, now I have gone off aviation photo's since getting these graduated neutral filters and am fascinated with landscapes, before I was not the slightest bit interested in photography and the only camera in the house was a 20yr old Canon sureshot which I think has had about 5 rolls of film through it in all that time.
At 52 your still a youngster and plenty of time to get perfect at this caper, thanks again for the nice comments.
Cheers Ian
Loyce D. Hood
{K:1859} 10/24/2004
I wish I could give you a 10 for this shot. I can't believe how incredibly sharp this shot is--especially for this time of evening. There is no way I could even begin to tell you how to improve on this shot. I just can't be improved upon--unless it were framed and hanging in my livingroom. LOL. Fantastic image.
Teresa Moore
{K:11063} 10/24/2004
Very lovely scene, with great colors. By the way, aren't we glad we found this passion of ours before it "was" too late. I too, got a late start in photography, but I'm trying to make up for it now. And loving every minute of it.
Daniel Stratton
{K:2144} 10/23/2004
That's an absolutely gorgeous shot. Great to see beautiful shots of Queensland.
Michael Backunas
{K:133} 10/23/2004
Truly an extrodinary shot, Ian! The beautiful lighting and textures are just fabuolus!
Michael Backunas
{K:133} 10/23/2004
Truly and extrodinary shot, Ian! The beautiful lighting and textures are just fabuolus!
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 10/22/2004
Wonderful shot! I love it! greetings.
Ian Sharp
{K:1762} 10/22/2004
Thank you all for the lovely comments and the good advice.
Barry: Point taken about the GND filters, still have not got enough experience but feel I am starting to get the feel for them.
Lukasz: On reflection maybe black for the frame would have been a better choice.
Again thank you everyone for taking the time to look and comment, this site is friendly and any advice can only be beneficial to better our photography.
James Bambery
{K:13421} 10/22/2004
Beautiful moonscape Ian. Awesome capture.
Jim Bambery
{K:566} 10/22/2004
Great shot. I'm not sure if i commented on a photo like this before but I just love this one too.
Sam Andre
{K:12484} 10/22/2004
this is a piece of art, the circumstances taken into account... a favourite
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 10/22/2004
Although the rocks are quite jagged there are nice flowing lines taking ones eyes towards the sea. On the journey to the sea, what a treat of textures, colours and shapes, and finally the moon watching over the lovely scene - you might have guessed - I like it - a lot 7 Margaret
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 10/22/2004
Excellent composition...very beautiful
aaron lucy
{K:611} 10/22/2004
Wow, very nice, well done!
Bart Aldrich
{K:7614} 10/22/2004
Very fine!
ken krishnan
{K:19102} 10/22/2004
Beautiful composition and location. Excellent image.
well done.
regards, ken.
Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 10/22/2004
really good shot; like the composition here, colors and water movement; IMHO the frame and its colors does not fit here; regards Lukasz
Barry Wakelin
{K:7838} 10/22/2004
Nice shapes, colours and textures in the foreground. I think you may have gone a little OTT with the grads on this one as the sky looks out of place with the foreground and the grads have overlayed some of the rocks.
Nicole Marcisz
{K:10268} 10/22/2004
nice work, great exposure and colors
cheers, nicole
Maya Bylina
{K:5925} 10/22/2004
Very nice view with excellent colours!
Francesco Martini
{K:12249} 10/22/2004
very suggestive image!!!!!!