This cave is located near the dead sea. Sodom mountain is made of pure salt. The cave was created by flood water melting the salt. Chimneys, such as this one, were created in the location where the rain water drilled into the mountain. The picture is stitched from three photos (using the Canon provided stitching tool). The girl looking up at the divine light is my sister.
Peter, You succeed to get great results from the stitching. Unfortunately, I do not do a lot of post processing. (Using IrfanView to adjust colours and neat image to take out some of the noise if necessary). It is about time for me to show more serious attitude for my hobbies :)
Excellent photograph - a shot that could never have been achieved without the panoramic stitching treatment. I've been doing a lot like this recently. The Canon stitching program can provide excellent results, although in can take a few days of patient post-stitch PS work to make them look truely seamless. Have you tried "Panoramic Tools"? - difficult to use without one of the many front ends like PTGui, but the results can be far superior. Looking forward to seeing more images from your part of the world, and some more experiments in panoramas :)