Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 3/14/2004
lovely done!!!
Roger Cotgreave
{K:15892} 3/12/2004
terrific sandy...did you think of making him BW?..looks great, roger
.. ...
{K:6642} 3/11/2004
amazing composition!! great!!
Monty Emken (Ostracon X)
{K:4804} 3/10/2004
Your friend (tenant) in the center has kind of a Jackson Browne thing happening... Nice work Sandy! No title?
Bradley Prue
{K:30678} 3/10/2004
He is the captor. Your fear and despair does not distract him from his goal .... to own.
{K:32791} 3/10/2004
for me there is a definite sense of the need to communicate and the inability to listen...
{K:30945} 3/10/2004
wow.. this is great Sandy. great composition of the Artist and his work. well done sweety Kiss, Biliana
Emgy Massidda
{K:60358} 3/10/2004
For this could be a scene from a thriller The terrified expression in the woman's eye, her open mouth, the man smiling slightly in complacement, his misleading "Good Guy" looks, are all elements that in my mind associate with (no offence to the man) some psychopatic character and his victim or one or other deranged stalker and maybe even a serial killer (the double image of the woman suggestes more than one victim). Sorry Sandy, that's the picture I got in mind themoment I saw this phto. I'm not just letting my imagination run away with me. So.... no man with lack of will but yes, probably tortured discontent, cause that is how a character like I have described, is sometimes pictured in thriller movies. Great scenario and mood Very cleverly thought and executed You're quite talented in many fields, my dear friend!
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 3/10/2004
great composition!!! regards JAni
Nedim Muhic
{K:14362} 3/10/2004
Well Done. Nedim.
Salvo Valenti
{K:17038} 3/9/2004
{K:2560} 3/9/2004
Very Nice way to enclose a portrait. The experiment worked!
Richard Marriner
{K:6657} 3/9/2004
The side panel photos also look really interesting in themselves with the high contrast lighting and fraught expression. Is my memory just bad as usual or have I seen it before? Didn't know Iggy lived in your building... ;)
ryan winton
{K:3027} 3/9/2004
Right on,..im never right. lol..
me so happy now. ...need smoke...on a roll..........
sandy c. hopkins
{K:17107} 3/9/2004
ryan..you are good!
ryan winton
{K:3027} 3/9/2004
what I get...is that he cannot hear you, from either side , but is quite happy with his way.
close or no?
Jan Symank
{K:22030} 3/9/2004
Very interesting contrast in all aspects but he stays cool in the middle A photo to think about and with dozens of possible interpretationes Bravo and regards from Jan
sandy c. hopkins
{K:17107} 3/9/2004
actually believe it or not this is two seperate photos.. i spliced then in ps.
the one in the center is actually a tenant , retired welding instructor, in a stairwell near a window, the other two are the same self portrait. with different levels adjusted.
i thought came across like he was standing between two works. how his color almost casts a shadow on the photo on the left. the meaning though to me..is explained above..thanks for your time in viewing..and for your mind inspiring comments
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 3/9/2004
Looks to me as the artist peeking out between two of his works (with pride, one might add). I suspect that it is a montage but not sure. I like the light on his face.
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 3/9/2004
uhm very nice compos Sandy and clear central shot, creative the window formed by the other two
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 3/9/2004
Hi Sandy, you've captured the expression in the (what looks to be the artists') excellently. A shrill contrast with the fearful expression and atmosphere of the women in the portraits next to him. If only he'd hold at least one of them; that would break the vertical division a bit. There are many other imaginary settings that can be associated with this image. (Murderer with no remource and his victims, the ignorant and proud dad in between the images of his suppressed daughters, and so on....) Very intriguing, and very well done! I like how you always manage invoke an atmosphere not necessarily always the same, but that's what makes it so intriguing. Very well done, my compliments!
Richard Thornton
{K:26442} 3/9/2004
Shades of Andy Warhol! This is a first rate environmental portrait.
sandy c. hopkins
{K:17107} 3/9/2004
and what is this i see? man, his lack of will and the aura of tortured discontent.
Roy V
{K:13082} 3/9/2004
Sandy, Powerful and Excellent! I love it Roy
Rocco T
{K:4130} 3/9/2004
good idea and excellent portrait. congrats.