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law of economics
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Image Title:  law of economics
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 By: Wolf Zorrito  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Wolf Zorrito  Wolf Zorrito {Karma:78768}
Project #51 Silhouettes and Abstracts Camera Model Nikon D50
Categories Abstracts
Film Format Digital RAW
Portfolio abstract
Lens Sigma DC 18-200
Uploaded 8/8/2008 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
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Views 589 Shutter
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Critiques 12 Rating
/ 7 Ratings
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Country - Netherlands   Netherlands
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There are 12 Comments in 1 Pages
Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 8/10/2008
Hahaaa! Berlusconi is an amateur in front of Greek politicians! ;-) We govern aloud, we steal in silence! ;-) And how glad I am to know that you don't have this in the Netherlands! ;-)

But, I don't really get that with the return to VOC times. I mean, how do they promote that? By pressing for a lifestyle of those times, or how else? The methods they use are very interesting for studying and comparing them to what already happened several times in history. (The results are very well known. ;-))

It is indeed about money and maximum profits at any cost, Harry. Even at the cost of human lives and much more of kicking human dignity down with boots made of banknotes. If we would stand without fearing for our "houses and cars" they would never be able to do that, but we still insist on behaving like wh**es. And so we give politicians both the possibility and also the right for that. You can't cheat this way somebody who doesn't play this game, but we still cheerfully play.

One good thing in Greece is that we laugh at politicians really "officially". We call them names, we make them ridiculous, and all that right in the middle of media. The words used in greek newspapers for those cretins named politicians would be enough for 10 years jail in the rest of Europe. But this is something deeply Greek too, we really don't care about politeness and diplomatic correctness when it comes to such things. Not that this could prevent our local heroes doing what the do, but they at least know, they fool nobody.

Don't worry, I do understand your local dialect perfectly! ;-) Another small find on the web, . That mindless blondie at 0:10 - can you imagine what she is doing? Yes, this is her clip from an *official political party* for voting for her as a parlamentarian! She says: "Bring me to the cross and carry me on your hands" - really, that was not meant as a joke! But the show master ripped her to pieces right on TV. He altered the slogan to "Bring me on the bed and give me two... errrm, yes, exactly that!" And also devastated the cretin that follows on the two posters.

Now, any parallels to the huge armada of "natural born artists" without a single idea that we see so many times here too? Is there any other possible way to handle that than being diplomatically incorrect, if we at the same time complain about the state of the world, etc? Speaking your dialect is the best way!

Keep up!



Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 8/9/2008
No, I did not recognise the money grabbing nor playing a fool on TV. ( reminded me of berloeskoni ). We dont have that here. Believe me. I speak the truth ............. ;

Our local heroes doe promote us to turn back to the VOC times ( colonisiasation times 1700 ) ....
I tell you Nick that the world turns around money, budgetting and balance of cash is more important than human lifes in health care.

Oh I can speak greek fluently but alas nobody understands my local dialect ;-)


M  jalili M  jalili   {K:69009} 8/9/2008
Beautiful my friend ............


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 8/9/2008
Yes, exactly that! A bit too few fingers for the typical bean counter (;-)), but seriously one really really gets the idea. And the idea was great!

The image is also great in its technical points, like for example that the fingers look as of they would all belong to ione single hand. The very exact representation of the banknote makes it completely visible with both colors and curves - it is about money. One almost can gear the typical noise of a banknote when folded. I could use it as a poster for any kind of bank, or even for political parties in election times.

Take a look at (at 1:09) for something similar about politics in Greece and of course elsewhere too! ;-) It is in Greek but I am sure that it is international too! ;-)




Gabriella Carta Gabriella Carta   {K:22879} 8/8/2008
great work, very very good!


Alain Mijngheer Alain Mijngheer   {K:11733} 8/8/2008
Heel goe gedaan Wolf. Bijna een ets....als dat geen idee is :)7
Mijn Law of Economics is heel simpel : op het eind van mijn wedde is er nog veel maand over LOL.
Fijn WE en grtz,



Saikat (Boney) Das Saikat (Boney) Das   {K:2493} 8/8/2008
This is fantastic...


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 8/8/2008
Oh, please explain that one to me ! :-)


RC. Dany RC. Dany   {K:64104} 8/8/2008
Excellent work.


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/8/2008
Ahhhhhh I like this abstract very much my dear Harry :))
Nice layers, and colors - excellent work :)) 7+++++++++


Fabio Keiner   {K:81109} 8/8/2008
yes, the first law: pick-pocketing fills the coffins :)


Erland Pillegaard Erland Pillegaard   {K:34147} 8/8/2008
Excellent work




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