Giuseppe Guadagno
{K:34002} 5/4/2008
Splendid Paul! It's a great pleasure for me to admire your photos of the last year, when I did not post photos in UF. Now I am missing pictures and friends here so I am posting again in UF. Take care.
Yilmaz Uslu
{K:712} 5/21/2007
perfect macro yilmaz
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 5/20/2007
a great natural dance, as always you bring macro to an upper stage. Wonderful job.
John Hatz
{K:156973} 5/20/2007
Really a dance, these two things of the flower really looks like trying to hug each other, excellent close up on something so small, with very good details Paul, beautiful shot. best regards!
Sandor Szollos
{K:7681} 5/20/2007
Very good macro photo,nice work! Regards
Andrzej Pradzynski
{K:22541} 5/20/2007
That's nice, theatrical really, great details and a pretty scene. NJ
Wayne Winsauer
{K:7331} 5/20/2007
Now THATS a macro! Very Very well done! Love the title! Perfect detail and DOF! 7+++
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 5/19/2007
So gorgeous again, Paul! Every one of these macros deserves an award!:)
Robin Sanderse
{K:2545} 5/19/2007
Wow Paul, "just" another great macroshot. I can imagen, your happy with your job at the flower-market ;-) Love your portfolio, it's realy inspiring me.
Thanks, Robin
Hakan Ciftci
{K:-505} 5/19/2007
Excellent macro! Thanks for your sharing.
Laura E.
{K:5598} 5/19/2007
Hi Paul,
It really does resemble a dance! Great color and detail.
Regards, Laura
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 5/19/2007
Superb macro! Fine work Paul! Joggie