Vinay Raj
{K:5537} 2/9/2005
Good work Deepthi.
Perestrioika R
{K:440} 6/20/2004
u got nice eyes ! and i am sure i am the nth person to tell u that... i think webcam shud be allowed...i've shot loads through my webcam too. i like claustrophobic too. nice exposure! :)
Gaetan Chevalier
{K:4188} 7/14/2003
Good composition but unfortunately, your web cam does not deliver a good resolution. Otherwise it would have been a nice shot.
JoydipSuchandra Kundu
{K:582} 6/21/2003
right eye !! thanx for sharing !
Siddhartha Dhamankar
{K:46} 5/16/2003
pretty eye!,like the way light reflects off the eye, however you could have cropped in more around the eye, its rather tightly cropped. also thanx for reviewing my images...
Marios Yiatzidis
{K:2243} 4/29/2003
Nice shot, very well composed. Unfortunately the web cam you used did not allow you to get a photo at a higher resolution.
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 4/24/2003
This is a nice photo. Pitty about the resolution, not only at this photo... Regards, John H.
Siddharth Siva
{K:3327} 4/24/2003
it should be allowed..but atleast make sure its a nicer picture!!
Nicola Vassallo
{K:9801} 4/24/2003
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 4/24/2003
Nice shot, but the light is over expoced, I do think it is to tight crop, and want more sharpen/ focus. Regards Kaj Nielsen
garlic joe
{K:170} 4/23/2003
it is a nice close up but the lighting need to be improved and the white space on the right-bottom corner is not looking good.