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Image Title:  Cathrin
Favorites: 69 
 By: Toini Blom  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Toini Blom {Karma:2039}
Project N/A Camera Model  
Categories Portrait
Film Format
Portfolio Lens  
Uploaded 3/17/2003 Film / Memory Type  
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 7996 Shutter
Favorites 69  Aperture f/0
Critiques 120 Rating Critique Only Image
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About This one's for you Rui! Because I know you like it:)
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Amon Tobin

little red......




never mind! I dont mind





There are 120 Comments in 1 Pages
Steven Hackett   {K:1692} 10/21/2005
yes we all like it...>


ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN   {K:16316} 8/1/2005
perfect ..


Hakan AKIRMAK Hakan AKIRMAK   {K:15913} 6/28/2005
EXCELLENT work! Congratulations Toini!! 7+++


Marco Montesi   {K:1531} 5/13/2005
After over 2 years your shot makes other victims!
Congratulation, I think it's perfect!


MUJAHID AWAIS   {K:1703} 4/1/2005
Fantastic....Simple and strong.


Korto Malteze   {K:647} 2/24/2005
Extremely beautiful, not much more to say :)


Sam Smith-Palomeque   {K:1680} 12/7/2004


vasula premawardhana   {K:23} 10/30/2004
great shot..inspiring !Just joined looking forward for more!!


xxxIlonaxxxx xxxxKrijgsmanxxxx   {K:10405} 5/29/2004
wow what a expression....this is really a beauty....very tender.....with a lot to tell......lovely


RC. Dany RC. Dany   {K:64104} 2/24/2004
beautiful work !!!!!


Verķssimo Dias   {K:1531} 1/24/2004
Hi Toini

Greetings from Portugal.
Let me congratulate you for this picture. It is very, very good.



Gianluca C   {K:1063} 1/11/2004
It's excellent...


Tiago Magalhćes   {K:216} 1/3/2004


Mehmet Tuluat   {K:652} 12/30/2003
Wonderful. Congratulations!


Garrick Tippett   {K:61} 12/30/2003


Craig Richardson   {K:165} 12/30/2003
Simply beutiful.


Paul Pinsent   {K:12} 12/30/2003
Subtlety of lighting and softness of beautiful features. Very nicely done.


Alvaro Ennes   {K:2605} 12/30/2003


Harry Eggens Harry Eggens   {K:14804} 12/30/2003
Congratulations being Editors Choice Toini. Excellent composed and cropped very beautiful high-key portrait of this very beautiful woman with most wonderful eye....Happy New-Year....Best regards Harry


Samuel Downs   {K:7290} 12/30/2003
Toini, Just wanted to add my congratulations on this image and the editor's choice - very well deserved. It is soft, BEAUTIFUL, and well executed. Enjoy!


ken krishnan   {K:19102} 12/30/2003
Lovely. Very nice. Well done.


Toini Blom   {K:2039} 12/30/2003
Thanks to everyone:)))))))
Makes me so happy that you like it!!
Happy new year!!



Ricardo Villafuerte Ricardo Villafuerte   {K:1345} 12/30/2003
beautiful and soft as snow !!!


Muzaffer KURTOGLU   {K:4149} 12/30/2003
Perfect frame. Regards.


B:)liana    {K:30945} 12/30/2003
Bravo. beautiful. congratulations.


paul lee   {K:45} 12/30/2003
this is really nice.


mustafa ilker helvacioglu   {K:3825} 11/29/2003
wonderful photo. can u sent me the original image of this. because this is unbelievable.your experiance of photograpy is great. u are just 24. i will be great. i know i'll read your name on magazines.


Subhash Sen Subhash Sen   {K:11931} 10/26/2003
Excellent Photograph


Tracey MacFadden   {K:1066} 10/26/2003
I would just like you to know that you are one of my favorite photographs on this site. I am always drawn to your images. I love your style and you truly inspire me. Congratulations!! Keep up the awesome work!!


Aernout Casier   {K:1376} 10/26/2003
Excellent pic. No Photo Shop? I certainly hope not. Maybe one day I will be able to do stuff like this as well.


Debra Griffin-Ibrahim   {K:7119} 10/26/2003
Excellent Portrait!!


Mįrio Sousa   {K:16985} 10/26/2003
Beautiful photo


Marcos Duarte   {K:15402} 10/26/2003
Belissima imagem , linda composiēao. Tons de cinza.




ABDUL RAHMAN AL-SENAIDI   {K:4} 10/26/2003
simple & nice


ken krishnan   {K:19102} 10/26/2003
beautiful shot. well done. Congradulations on POTD award.


K A R A Y I L A N   {K:167} 10/24/2003
what a beatiful woman!!!! good work..


Fernando Ladeira   {K:849} 10/12/2003


Helna    {K:820} 10/10/2003
I love this high-key portrait. Wonderful!


Mafalda Machado   {K:835} 10/7/2003
uma maravilha


Alberto Agnoletti   {K:12811} 9/17/2003


Antonio Flavio Bonanno   {K:172} 9/17/2003
Wonderful essential Hi-Key.



David Waxman   {K:35} 9/14/2003
Wonderful high key


R. W.   {K:508} 9/1/2003


José Lins José Lins   {K:1544} 9/1/2003
Perfect high-key!!! Congrats. It's in my favs now.
José Lins


Benjamin Tharin   {K:146} 9/1/2003
just a tiny tiny little bit of more sharpness around the eyes... an excellent High Key. Congrats.



ana ribeiro   {K:21290} 7/25/2003


Atamanka Agnieszka   {K:747} 6/25/2003
super photo :)


Carlos Schmidt   {K:78} 6/24/2003
Excellent high key portrait, excellent white with details, are you Ansel Adams?
Regards and congratulations


Jim Christensen   {K:18843} 6/24/2003
Beautiful high key lighting. very nice job of conmtroling exposure, beautiful model and excellent job of conveying that beauty. best regards. jimc


Morsi Hussein   {K:1128} 6/24/2003
I fell in love :-)


Earl Ortman   {K:187} 6/24/2003
I echo all that has been said about this portrait. Wonderful job.


Stone Shi   {K:118} 6/24/2003
Great picture. Powerful expression.


Toini Blom   {K:2039} 6/24/2003
Thank you for all your comments:))
Ed Brillhart:I used f2,8 . Ps only for levels and some usm..NO blur used.




Ed    {K:333} 6/8/2003
I like all the shots in your portfolio but this is the one that captured my attention above all the rest. It's an excellent high key photo and the model is very beautiful. Many people have commented on the eye and I agree, it is perfect. Did you sharpen it in PS? Also your DOF looks like it may have been worked in PS. Blur in front and behind the main subject would be almost impossible in a shot like this. Anyway, you did a great job here.


Gregoir Hoppenbrouwers   {K:1073} 5/26/2003
This is really a very nice high key shot !!


Evy Johansen   {K:667} 5/25/2003
Beautiful portrait, Toini - Congratulations! - Evy


rory rory rory rory   {K:1840} 5/25/2003
Excellent portrait Toini... bye rory


Thomas Parsli   {K:4} 5/25/2003
I wan't stop wondering if another crop would be better...
The cropping og her chin is a little hard and brutal.


Toni S   {K:273} 5/25/2003
Very beautiful picture!!!


Irenka Daniluk Irenka Daniluk   {K:8011} 5/25/2003
Lovely high key shot, excellent focus on the eyes, great composition.. A real pleasure to watch.


Wahid Noureldin   {K:759} 5/25/2003
Charming high key portrait and cropping, Toini.


Fabio Keiner   {K:81109} 5/25/2003
not only the edotor's choice
but also mine
what would be usefilm's without toini?
a sad place for me
and for a lot of other people also
I suppose


Look @   {K:2127} 5/25/2003
The texture, the selective focus and the high key. Not so often I've seen such a nic e cocktail, mastered with such a professionalism! Bravo


Guelfo Ajello   {K:7519} 5/25/2003
Here we say..."better late than never", let me add my congratulations for this outstanding portrait. Bravissima.


Toini Blom   {K:2039} 5/24/2003
I have to thank everybody for your comments:-)) Makes me happy!!



Poppy Blue   {K:249} 5/19/2003
who is rui? can i have one?


Steven Gardner   {K:2} 5/17/2003
Outstanding image!! I love it.



Hakan Aker   {K:14146} 5/12/2003
Beautiful shot Toini,nice and tender


Ayse Telci Ayse Telci   {K:4168} 5/12/2003
this is the most beautiful portrait ...


Fabio de Pinho Nunes   {K:697} 5/10/2003
Toini, that?s a example of a good portrair. I love it. No more words to say. Congratulations!


Marusnik Bela   {K:11611} 5/9/2003
Marvellous capture, beauty face, congratulation!


donato r. donato r.   {K:16361} 5/5/2003


Boris Yudanin   {K:88} 5/4/2003
SUper portrait. Great blending into the white.


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 5/2/2003
beautiful high key.


Luciano Checco   {K:46} 4/23/2003
Good Hi-Key photo, I would have liked to see some texture on the hat as well.


Chris Blaszczyk   {K:610} 4/23/2003
Nice selective focusing. Not easy when combined with high key.


Paul Lee   {K:2} 4/23/2003
Wow! Beautifully done!!


Marcin Gorski   {K:12388} 4/23/2003
master work


paola f. casali   {K:7301} 4/23/2003
Wonderful, Toini!!!!!! Brava :)


elena deluca   {K:117} 4/23/2003
this is very beautiful. i am an artist & i was wondering if i could have your permission to draw this someday?


Knut Hoftun Knudsen   {K:526} 4/23/2003
Great b&w work, good cropping!


necati uyar   {K:497} 4/23/2003
excellent photo


Ross Mckinnon   {K:1172} 4/23/2003
Just a touch sharper on her eye would really make this a masterpeace. Wonderfully light & airy, very creative.


Werner van den Oudenhoven   {K:207} 4/23/2003
A classic "High Key" photo. Technical: a bit too much "USM" (resampling noise?) and DOF not optimal, especially in the region of the lips. Well done.


Marianne Archer Marianne Archer   {K:926} 4/23/2003
just beautiful!


Joćo Figueiredo   {K:7674} 4/23/2003
... simple beauty!!!


IOU4U .   {K:731} 4/23/2003
Aaahh... Multitop of the pops !!


deniz kaan copur   {K:12726} 4/18/2003


Andre Cajot   {K:7793} 4/18/2003
Well done high key, girl, 23 :-) Great.


judy ben joud   {K:4160} 4/14/2003


Jonathan Kane   {K:10641} 4/14/2003
your work is just SO damn amazing!!!


Luke Luther   {K:14693} 4/12/2003
superb image. wonderful lighting.


Maarten Geers   {K:1070} 4/7/2003
Beautiful girl in a perfect high key portrait.


Joćo Domingues   {K:638} 4/7/2003
WOW, beautifull portrait and wonderful eyes. Great photo!


John Barclay   {K:3650} 4/6/2003
Simple and stunning!


david cunningham david cunningham   {K:8255} 4/1/2003
Wonderful job Toini. Can't wait to look at the rest of your Usefilm portfolio.


Paulo Gama   {K:5067} 3/28/2003
Absolutely fantastic!!


R S   {K:294} 3/27/2003
This is beautiful. I love high-key photos. Actually the only photo I have posted here so far is a high-key one if you want to have a look.

This is such a simple yet effective composition. I love the 'slighly from below' perspective here.

Would you care to share some technical details?

Btw - this is the first 'favorite' that I'm adding to me :-)


Bikas Das Bikas Das   {K:6544} 3/23/2003
Not only Rui! We all liked this hi-key effect portrait, specially the angle you took. Appropriate for Ed's choice. Congratulations for presenting such a good hi-key image, Toini.


Audrey Reid   {K:5872} 3/21/2003
Wow - this is beautiful.


Luigi Scuderi   {K:4407} 3/21/2003
great portrait, excellent use of high key, perfect composition. regards, Luigi


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 3/21/2003
Great work.Congrats!


andrea elli   {K:1945} 3/21/2003
excellent effect, stunning angle, GREAT


GP Merfeld   {K:14396} 3/20/2003
Absolutely exquisite, Toini... Beautiful high key treatment perfectly rendered and composed...


GP Merfeld   {K:14396} 3/20/2003
Absolutely exquisite, Toini... Beautiful high key treatment perfectly rendered and composed...


Stian Wiik   {K:1516} 3/20/2003


al shaikh   {K:15790} 3/18/2003
Welcome to usefilm Toini


Toini Blom   {K:2039} 3/18/2003
Thank you for your comments:) Rui; I have to look for the file, but I will send you an email when I find it:)


Andy Eulass   {K:13435} 3/17/2003
Not much one can say about it except "remarkable". Definite EC material in my estimation.


Rui Palha Rui Palha   {K:13624} 3/17/2003
This is NOT's excellent...I always loved this one, you could send me a 30x40 print, would you?


Filipe Palha   {K:5432} 3/17/2003
. . . . . . . Feels different with the white background .
So great Toini !


Deleted User   {K:6775} 3/17/2003
Love the composition on this image and the detail and focus of the eye are perfect..... but i find for a hi-key shot it is a bit hot. IMHO there should still be some texture shown in the hat on upper left and a bit more definition between the models nose and mouth from the background. I think if the lighting was adjusted a little on this one or possibly corrected in the darkroom this could be corrected and would make for an even stronger image. Great shot none the less *smile*... Maggie


Matt Hardy   {K:474} 3/17/2003
Beautiful portrait!!!!!!!


Poppy Blue   {K:249} 3/17/2003
simple and streamlined with a brilliant finish.


Scottie Hotchkiss   {K:65} 3/17/2003
I love the photo. If you don't mind, how did you do it? I'm a beginning photographer and I aspire to take shots like this.


^j^ .   {K:8554} 3/17/2003
Well... One of the most amazing high key I've ever seen to say the least !


Martin Fisher   {K:5393} 3/17/2003
I like this photo because it is simple, and direct. There are no distractions. Your use of overexposure is excellent. The angle is terrific, the focus is perfect. This is a perfect photo...IMHO.


Nando Mondino   {K:14261} 3/17/2003
Fantastic portrait, great soft!


Roland Le Gall   {K:7018} 3/17/2003
Perfect, a lot of sweetness....


Marco Brivio Marco Brivio   {K:14339} 3/17/2003
What a wonderful, soft portrait




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