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California V
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Image Title:  California V
Favorites: 5 
 By: al shaikh  
  Copyright ©2002

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Photographer  al shaikh {Karma:15790}
Project N/A Camera Model Pentax 6x7 II
Categories Abstracts
Film Format
Portfolio California
Lens 200
Uploaded 12/21/2002 Film / Memory Type Kodak TXP
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 8220 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/0
Critiques 92 Rating Critique Only Image
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Tulip # 34

San Francisco #6

Out for a walk 2

San Francisco #1

California VIII

San Francisco #5


California V

Out for a walk

There are 92 Comments in 1 Pages
Mahboubeh Zare Mahboubeh Zare   {K:1201} 7/15/2011
very gooooood


Mirek Towski Mirek Towski   {K:14880} 6/18/2009
Wow! The master piece of usefilm photography is back. Would somebody explain to me what is in this photo that makes it stand out from the others?


神 風 神 風   {K:10665} 6/17/2008
1. Owner of the Site ...
2. Featured 'Donor of the Day' ...
3. But no 'Star' by your name ...

What gives Al? :))


Mirek Towski Mirek Towski   {K:14880} 4/13/2008
The nightmare is back.


Mirek Towski Mirek Towski   {K:14880} 4/4/2008
How much would You pay for a 20x24 black and white print of this image on nice fiber paper, masterly printed? And would You hang it on Your wall?


Mirek Towski Mirek Towski   {K:14880} 4/4/2008
Congratulations on the awards. Maybe I am too old fashioned, but personally I think it is a very bad picture. Let's put it this way, I would not hang it in my living room.


HussainRadhi Radhi   {K:15} 6/21/2007
I like this B & W


Kerry Nobbs Kerry Nobbs   {K:2800} 5/20/2007
Interesting contrast. Very unique and different abstract. Kerry


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 5/20/2007
so..EH EH EH!


Kamran  Kamran     {K:3526} 5/20/2007
Thats funny right there.........


Kamran  Kamran     {K:3526} 1/8/2007
I feel sick everytime this pic wins.......


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 1/7/2007
.. the random is strong..
good year..


Leo Régnier  Я£ Leo Régnier  Я£   {K:67696} 1/7/2007
3 awards and almost 4000 views!!!!! Great my friend!!!!! Congratulations!!!


Peter De Rycke Peter De Rycke   {K:41212} 12/24/2006
Extraordinary shot, a mix of lines in the sea, and patterns of the fishing net .. Peter


Kamran  Kamran     {K:3526} 11/1/2006
The worst pic i ever seen and it has 3 awards..give me a break wonder alot of people left this done with it too ...


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 10/31/2006
..and sure i agree with giuliano..
please post a new shot!


Cleveland Smith Cleveland Smith   {K:7006} 10/31/2006
Al, congratulations on Photographer of the Day award, very well deserved with this image, also congratulations on the Donor Image of the Day and Editor's Choice.


Salvatore Rossignolo   {K:13559} 10/31/2006
Nice work Al I like the gradient from top to bottom and the 'rule of thirds' mesh is quite compelling!


Giuliano Guarnieri Giuliano Guarnieri   {K:36622} 10/31/2006
Photographer of the day???!?
It's more than 2 years that you don't post any new image!
You should win the "Photographer of the Past Days" !
Come on, take your camera and shot again (and post :) )

Giuliano Guarnieri


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 10/31/2006
Stunning image
Perfectly composed and the gradient tones of the background are really awesome.
Excellent capture
Congratulations on the awards


Carol Cefalu   {K:8388} 10/4/2006
Very serene..
makes you wonder what lies beyond...


Aykaan K Aykaan K   {K:13601} 10/3/2006


Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 10/3/2006
A striking image, Al! Nice to see it on the Front Page!

Congratulations on all the awards!




Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 7/11/2006
..and congrats also for the FDP!!!




Chuck Freeman   {K:13616} 5/22/2006
Excellent work and great congratulations on your work.


Mohamed Banna Mohamed Banna   {K:34237} 4/23/2006
congratulation for this piece of art


ppdix  ppdix     {K:17069} 4/23/2006
Aren't YOU the Editor?

Good choice.


Beauty Libra Beauty Libra   {K:90} 4/9/2006
well done al Shaikh
i really love it great color
wounderfull reflection of the sun
light on the metal...
Keep going


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 4/9/2006
and well.. finally i see still more one (old) your photo.. i hope all is ok.. have al the best and a nice week end Al..




Hesham Abouzekry   {K:15927} 4/9/2006
nice shot.
great oerfect & greatest idea.


神 風 神 風   {K:10665} 4/9/2006
Editor's Choice, Donor Image of the Day, and Photographer of the Day awards ... Congrats!


Steve Aronoff Steve Aronoff   {K:18393} 3/9/2006
Congratulations on all three choices! Well done!!! "California V" is terrific. I really like the right angle composition of water waves and the waves of the mesh. Very nice!


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 2/22/2006
wow!!!! great composition dear Al!!!!! congratulations for making front page!!! and many thanks for your efforts to solve all porblems!!!!


Jure Kravanja   {K:690} 2/22/2006
excellent composition


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 2/22/2006
Hi Al,

WOW it took me all these years to see one of your images on the front page. I guess you've been there before and I've always missed them. Always a day late and a dollar short. LOL

Beautiful lines, textures and tones here Al. Very nice image.

I'm going on the road again in a few days so will see you again when I am settled somewhere again in some more months.

Also congratulations on the HUGE success of the site Al. It's grown in leaps and bounds over the years. Wonderful to see.

Cheers for now (again) from Ann :)


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 2/22/2006
Congratulations Al, great composition, superb clarity, subtle tones and textures, beautiful lighting :) Well deserved! Best regards, Ina


andree lerat andree lerat   {K:17476} 1/20/2006
Fantastic stark composition. Love the contrast between the rugged wire mesh and the soft ripples of the water. Beautiful black and white tone. :) Andree


al shaikh   {K:15790} 12/19/2005
Glad you took a peek jude


jude .   {K:14625} 12/19/2005
Beautiful image, Al...truly lovely.

I'm shaking my took 5+ months for me to realize the site admin posts his own images. I've added you to my associates list so I won't miss any more. Nice portfolio.


al shaikh   {K:15790} 12/11/2005
Bryan Kodak TXP and ABC Pyro - nothing fancy


Jara Parijayee    {K:4964} 11/9/2005
Daredevil styling!


Ferran Rial   {K:6670} 11/7/2005
Beautiful composition. Less is more. Well captured!!



Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 11/5/2005
is very cool..



Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 9/11/2005
also this one.. mabe a 10 september my b-day!?!?

I kìjoke..
but is a bug!!


Mohamed Banna Mohamed Banna   {K:34237} 8/4/2005
great nice well done abstract
i like it


Bryan Miller   {K:3395} 5/16/2005

can you tell a little more about the developing of this negative. the tones are superb. very good range and fantastic subtle transition.

thank you!



Ehdae  (Abullha AL Hazza)   {K:4725} 5/3/2005


Ali Naghizadeh Ali Naghizadeh   {K:19600} 4/29/2005
Nice abstract .. Great contrasts ... well done ..



Maurizio Spadaccino Maurizio Spadaccino   {K:5132} 3/11/2005
excellent texture Al, sincere congratulations for your portfolio!
Best wishes


Nour El Refai Nour El Refai   {K:12481} 2/19/2005
It is easy to catch, but hard to observe its beauty, well done


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 2/6/2005
This is a challenging subject related to the light. You?ve done a very good job of presenting this subject from both the perspective of the composition and lighting. Interesting perspective relating the ?net? to differentiate the emptiness.
I did notice a small finger prints at the right edge and perpendicular lines (scratches), though nothing to reduce the quality capture. Saeed


orwa juve orwa juve   {K:6059} 2/5/2005
nice mood, ciao.


Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 2/5/2005
Great contrast in textures. Nice and sweet B&W balance.


delete my account   {K:3679} 1/28/2005
great shot!!
I love this one


po-pad  po-pad     {K:1451} 12/30/2004
I like it.




Piotr Niewierowicz   {K:2401} 9/26/2004
simple&good. regards


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 7/31/2004
another distinctive image, i like the difference in texture...water and cloth...There are some things that cannot be easily explained only viewed.. I like the simplicity of this image, seriously artistic! again there are a couple of things one could think about your image... i wish you sent more photos in the future!!


Angelo Villaschi Angelo Villaschi   {K:49617} 6/17/2004
Not only a play on smooth/rough textures, but also, a mirror-like water, with a "wave" in the wire.


Alisa Mudge Alisa Mudge   {K:12511} 5/30/2004


Aira Manna Aira Manna   {K:11187} 4/18/2004
this is such a clean, neat image. the gentle, smooth tones in the water are the perfect background for the metal net. there is so much n this picture: subtle geometries and lines, contrast in light and texture.



Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 4/1/2004
Hi, what a wonderfully simple comp and good eye to the tonal values and clarity/lighting on net...thanks for comment on my B&W min. DOF tree called "simple beauty"...appreciate the encouragement...Gayle


Richard Marriner   {K:6657} 3/22/2004
I really could have done with this net to keep those damn pigeons out of the studio last week...! :)


Richard Marriner   {K:6657} 3/22/2004
I could have done with this net to keep those damn pigeons out last week... :)


JP Zorn   {K:533} 3/22/2004
Wonderful shot.


Mark Beltran   {K:32612} 3/22/2004
Reminds me of the estuary near where I live. I like how it reminds me of a personal experience. There's that nice repetition of lines in the water that one can also see in the metal grid fence. The progression of tones is very pleasing.


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 3/22/2004
a magnific texture and effects of BG... i love this one
my congrats.. roby


Andreas Wolkerstorfer   {K:5090} 3/22/2004
good study in tones and for me a test for commenting :)


Alisa Mudge Alisa Mudge   {K:12511} 2/13/2004
NOw... for the second series of California pics................
We're waiting.


T Diaz   {K:59} 11/4/2003
I really like the contrast of the two textures. B&W was perfect for this color would have been distracting.


Mr. R. Blood   {K:18} 10/3/2003
This is a f***ing masterpiece!

Perfect image


Egidija Smilingiene Egidija Smilingiene   {K:3227} 7/30/2003
great. good idea.


j w   {K:12641} 6/28/2003
I wanted to stop by and think you for your advice, Al -- I answered you right in the thread back there on my photo. But I also wanted to see what sort of things you are doing.

This one grabbed me. I like it very much for it's juxtaposing patterns and textures. The lower midtones in the water are just beautiful, as are those whites in the curl of mesh. Great tonal range! You will have to let me know if this is ABC pyro, as I noticed some of your earlier ones were.

But that is not what grabbed me, it was the way you saw this and composed it. It looks of-a-whole and so completely natural that it's as if it's an ordinary everyday thing. But of course it's not. For my eye, that makes it all the more engaging. A photo to come back to again and again.


MaryBell    {K:32791} 4/30/2003
nice textural contrast and great comp...


Anindya Maity   {K:7880} 4/30/2003
I like the way the various tones of the water has been brought out by the exposure.The use of bright grill in the fg adds interest and breaks monotony.


Marília Ferraz   {K:-4756} 4/29/2003
accidentally or coincidentally, I pick this photo at the random column. It was yours. The thumbnail attracted my attention.
Great, great one. The net, the ocean. So many details.


Peter Burda Peter Burda   {K:4807} 4/27/2003
there is simple all greys !!! BW story from white to black. Very classic abstract, i like it.


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 4/27/2003
i like it.


ana ribeiro   {K:21290} 4/25/2003


al shaikh   {K:15790} 4/15/2003
Thank you


Ameet Mallapur   {K:1575} 4/11/2003
nice one altaf...i love this the best!!!!


Nando Mondino   {K:14261} 4/9/2003
Excellent shot, great contrast!


Jac & Lea   {K:354} 3/12/2003
This fence catch the eyes on the right third at first sight. Must be the high contrasts between the fence and the dark texture of the water surface.
Thanks for your encouraging comments on my first post. I appreciate your suggestions. In fact I did use a gold reflector on the left to give warm highlights on it and increase saturation, just like you mean in your comment. I think 250w daylight bulb isn't enough. I'll try higher lighting on my future shots.


Marco Grandi   {K:16680} 3/3/2003
Nice picture.Good contrast.Well done.
Bye Marco.


David Chang-Sang   {K:680} 2/28/2003

The tonal range of the water is great. I like that.
The fence/wire do-dad is in definite contrast to the water but I'm not sure I get it. I don't get most abstract stuff though.
It's an interesting image but I'm just too goofy to figure it out :-)



Chelsea Burke   {K:5750} 2/28/2003
Interesting contrast of texture and pattern.


Mary Sue Hayward   {K:17558} 2/11/2003


Andy Eulass   {K:13435} 1/9/2003
This has its own weird, but pleasing, geometry that creates some nice contrasts. The geometry created by the horizontal lines on the water is contrasted with the with crazier horizontal and vertical geometry created by the netting. This also suggests another nice contrast between the stable calm of the water and the unstable motion suggested by the net. Simplicity in composition...I like it.


Becky V   {K:9699} 1/5/2003
Imageopolis Featured Photo Critique I really like the contrast of the two textures here, and how it's almost impossible to judge the distance/depth between the water and the metal. I feel the vertical metal "strap" kind of detracts from simpleness of the abstraction, but I suppose without it, the fence would be *in* the water. :-)

I really enjoyed the California series you posted, and have been meaning to comment on it since it was posted. I like your unique interpretation of the California coast - very moody and almost pessimistic (that's my interpretation anyway).

My favourites of the series were 2, 3 & 5, though I think 5 is the best because it fits well into the series, yet stands out on its own as a great abstract.


Eric Goldwasser   {K:4294} 12/21/2002
This is really cool Al.


Petros Stamatakos   {K:12101} 12/21/2002
Wish it was I who took this photo...


Deb Mayes   {K:19605} 12/21/2002
I like the juxtaposition (sp) of the smooth/rough very much. Very nice indeed!


John Myers   {K:4308} 12/21/2002
i love the smooth lines in the water. would a crop of just a little off the left side work for you? i like the texture and shadow on the fence(?) too.




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