Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
6/14/2008 3:59:00 AM
Lovely shot Bruce . Great composition and congratulations on your choice of subject . Well done .
Photo By: Bruce Wallace
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
11/12/2007 8:07:16 AM
Fantastic detail .. Just needed a dew drop to make it a truly wonderful shot , but very well done .
Photo By: Bruce Wallace
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
11/12/2007 8:04:29 AM
Very nicely captured . Great depth of field and colour renditions . One to be proud of ..
Photo By: Bruce Wallace
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
3/29/2007 1:06:25 AM
An Airbus is the aircraft name for all airliners made by Airbus Industries in Europe . This particular aircraft was operated by Jetstar Airlines , a low cost carrier in Australia , much the same as Southwest Airlines in the US .The round trip fare for the 1000 mile flight was about $150 US ..I fly as a pilot , so I will post some shots from light aircraft in the coming days ..
Photo By: David Cartwright
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
3/29/2007 12:54:22 AM
A lovely landscape .... Very dramatic , the framing of the ground cover adds to the overall perspective . Reminds me of my Swiss trip last year , and my trip to Hawaii a few years ago ..
Photo By: Michele Carlsen
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
3/28/2007 11:59:44 PM
I love aerial photography . This is a great shot . I particularly like the window frame in the shot , it gives a good perspective to scale . I can almost "feel " the aircraft . Well done .
Photo By: Michele Carlsen
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
3/27/2007 12:58:32 AM
Lovely capture of the aircraft entering a tail slide . Great exposure and contrast . Well Done
Photo By: Gabriele Bullita
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
3/26/2007 1:27:02 AM
Beautifully captured ....Love the glow of the ignited fuel on the airframe . A great shot of a great , but soon to dissapear airplane . Well Done ..
Photo By: Jason Mckeown
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
3/26/2007 1:06:28 AM
Lovely shot Ayman ..... The silky gold glow of the photograph is very nice . Well done
Photo By: ayman zakaria
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
3/5/2007 9:25:59 PM
Bruce , The camera was "rested" on a fence . The exposure was 1/4s at f3.2 . I think it more luck than judgement that it turned out the way it did . There certainly no shortage of subject matter that night , the lightning was almost constant .
Photo By: David Cartwright
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
12/17/2006 11:43:15 PM
Bruce .... Thank you for your kind comments . I do feel that at times we all should look skywards and give praise and thanks for all we share . I know I do . There are certain contradictions and contrasts which radiate all around us . I was lucky to be there when nature presented itself that day . Dave
Photo By: David Cartwright
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
12/3/2006 9:54:36 AM
Ali , Thank you for your comments .The scenery in this area is so stunning that it is easy to take this type of photograph . Dave
Photo By: David Cartwright
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
11/29/2006 10:36:20 PM
Beautiful shot Jo .... I am a pilot and a photographer so I know how difficult these shots are . I love the reflection of the aircraft . Well done . Dave
Photo By: Joanna Lamb
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
11/29/2006 10:32:15 PM
Thanks Jo .There will be a few more Swiss shots over the next day or two .
Photo By: David Cartwright
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
7/23/2006 12:30:19 AM
A nice picture , well framed and with lovely colour saturation .
Photo By: Bruce Wallace
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
7/23/2006 12:27:31 AM
Very atmospheric and unmistakably China . Well captured .
Photo By: Bruce Wallace
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
7/19/2005 10:09:00 AM
Thanks Jose , I waited a while for the right moment this morning to take this picture .
Dave C
Photo By: David Cartwright
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
7/19/2005 10:06:33 AM
Pepijn, Thanks for your comments . The man in the background was a fisherman , unfortunately he would not move , even for me ! .
Dave c
Photo By: David Cartwright
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
5/1/2005 12:08:25 PM
James, I believe the markings were to indicate icing on the wing surfaces during flight testing .
Photo By: David Cartwright
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
5/1/2005 12:04:48 PM
Steve, Thanks for your comments . The pic was taken at the 1974 Farnborough Air display in the UK . This was a pre production aircraft now preserved at Filton nr Bristol , England . It was a noisy airplane , but also quite beautiful . Dave .
Photo By: David Cartwright
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
5/1/2005 10:14:56 AM
Bruce , Nice composition and exposure . has an almost " Pompeii " feel to it .
Photo By: Bruce Wallace
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
5/1/2005 10:09:30 AM
Thanks Bruce , It was a very involved process when I processed this one originally , could probably be done with a few mouse clicks now !!
Photo By: David Cartwright
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
3/17/2005 11:48:27 PM
A nice balance of colour and contrasting background .
Dave C
Photo By: Bruce Wallace
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
3/13/2005 11:00:19 PM
You have captured the many contrasts beautifully . Softness with sharpness and pale colours against richness . A captivating study . Thank you for your kind comments .
Dave C
Photo By: Peter Daniel
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
3/9/2005 3:33:48 AM
Outstanding Bruce . Feels almost as if you can reach out and touch it . Very lovely .
Dave C
Photo By: Bruce Wallace
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
3/9/2005 3:30:55 AM
What a "Flamen Beauty" it is too Bruce . Dave C
Photo By: Bruce Wallace
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
3/5/2005 10:54:14 PM
Very nice Bruce . Very hypnotic , I find myself being drawn into the photo . Well one .
Dave .
Photo By: Bruce Wallace
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
3/3/2005 2:41:36 AM
Nice one Bruce . I like how you contrast the petals against the darker background . Perfect exposure and DOF . Dave C
Photo By: Bruce Wallace
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
2/28/2005 11:25:16 PM
Beautiful shot Bruce . Lovely colour renditions and perfect exposure , nicely composed and great detail . Well Done . Dave C
Photo By: Bruce Wallace
Critique By:
David Cartwright (K:119)
2/9/2005 11:02:28 PM
I think the sky tones are much better , but I think it has lost a bit of the ground renditions . Dave.
Photo By: David Cartwright