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Critiques From Arijit Chakraborty

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Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/26/2009 5:21:45 AM

Thank you Bubai.
        Photo By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/26/2009 5:21:18 AM

Thank you Anindya for stopping by.
        Photo By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/8/2009 5:25:19 PM

Thank you Soumya for the comment.
        Photo By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/4/2009 2:22:50 PM

Thank you Milos for liking this photo.
        Photo By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/4/2009 11:32:27 AM

Thank you Bubai.
        Photo By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/4/2009 11:31:19 AM

Thank you Brett for stopping by.
        Photo By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/3/2009 1:45:11 PM

Right you are, this what life is all about. Thank you for stopping by. Can you send me the recipe.

Arijit C.
        Photo By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/1/2009 6:29:41 PM

Illush!!!! jibhe jol chole elo..... Delicious ahem...Wonderful capture. IMHO a little more DOF will increase the dimension and also the sharpness. What is this called and how can I make this? I am pretty interested in tasting this.

Arijit C.
        Photo By: Aungsita  Chatterjee  (K:19843)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/1/2009 6:13:17 PM

Thank you bubai.
        Photo By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/1/2009 7:17:32 AM

Wonderful colour and texture Alberto. I like it. I think a less sky space and more land space would give this image a special dimention.

Arijit C.
        Photo By: Alberto Romano  (K:2407) Donor

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/1/2009 6:50:54 AM

Wow! nice colours in the sky. I hope you you didn't freeze on the beach to capture this. I am not pretty much accoustomed with the snow, because never saw it outside my freezer. LOL. Nice capture again.

Arijit C.
        Photo By: C.L. Weldy  (K:18)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/1/2009 6:48:38 AM

Wonderful reflection Mark. I think a little level correction will give this image a required dimention.

Arijit C.
        Photo By: Mark Stewart  (K:39)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/1/2009 4:46:31 AM

Wonderful monochrome. I like the effect of the light. The tree is really cool. I like to go to this place someday.

Arijit C.
        Photo By: Ania Blazejewska  (K:23981) Donor

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/1/2009 4:44:42 AM

This is a nice composition. The negative space on the left side really works. IMHO I think the face should have been turned little more towards your left. The nose crossed the chin and its looks a little odd. This would have enhanced the dimension on the face for the varied lights on both the cheeks. The lights on the hair is perfect and as good as studio light.

Arijit C.

Arijit C.
        Photo By: Ania Blazejewska  (K:23981) Donor

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/1/2009 4:33:09 AM

Wow wonderful capture. Like the bright colours. You have captured the water very well. It gives you a very peaceful gesture and makes yu think nothing but float. I'm just feeling like taking a boat and starting off for the never never land.

Could you have taken the exposure of the brightest cloud and later increased the other dark parts with selection. IMHO it would have increased the textures in the cloud. I also like to see some more details of the foreground on the left. If you have used a vignating effect, then is it really with the photo? If not then increase the lights in the bottom corners to decrease the dark patches.

Arijit C.
        Photo By: Ania Blazejewska  (K:23981) Donor

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/1/2009 4:11:26 AM

Supriyo this is one of the best shots of yours. I liked this one very much. IMHO. Can you make a correction of the left side tilt. This can also be modified by selecting the foreground part and adjusting its layer. The sky is ok. Just select the mist as well and adjust its layer. I hope this will help make it more beautiful.

Arijit C.
        Photo By: Supriyo R. Sarkar  (K:7582)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/1/2009 4:03:22 AM

Wonderful protrait and lighting. You know what this type of lighting is called. Its called rim lights. If you knowing did this, then you are a master of lighting. You have applied a nice effect to the face to give it a dimention. The hair is also lit up with some light, which gives it a texture. I think its a perfect portrait.

Arijit C.
        Photo By: Supriyo R. Sarkar  (K:7582)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/1/2009 3:59:11 AM

Nice blur and colour. I personally prefer blurry images.

Arijit C.
        Photo By: Supriyo R. Sarkar  (K:7582)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/1/2009 3:56:22 AM

Wonderful colours. Where did you shot this? I think its near all the lakes or Zoo. Ain't it? I never got a chance to shot something like this.

Arijit C.
        Photo By: Supriyo R. Sarkar  (K:7582)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/1/2009 3:52:16 AM

Wonderful capture, nice effects. Which time of the year is this? I would always want to know how you did it. Hope you do not mind to share your trade secrets.

Arijit C.
        Photo By: Supriyo R. Sarkar  (K:7582)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
1/1/2009 3:36:08 AM

Thank you for the comment. I think you are right Supriyo. However the shot didn't look good with the complete tree, the frame looked tilted. Aaro wide thakle tulte partaam. I have an 18mm wide.

Arijit C.
        Photo By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
12/31/2008 8:36:10 AM

LOL! na na Desert a na. Eta to Bankura te tola. I came back yesterday. Even I'll be having a party at my place. You can join if you want to.....

Arijit C.
        Photo By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
12/31/2008 4:01:24 AM

Thanks. I am glad that you liked it.

Arijit C.
        Photo By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
12/31/2008 4:00:31 AM

Thank you Ania for liking this photo.
        Photo By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
12/31/2008 3:59:24 AM

Thank you Ania for Visiting my gallery.
        Photo By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
12/31/2008 3:58:16 AM

Thank you Barbara
        Photo By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
12/31/2008 3:57:10 AM

Thank you Bubai for your nice words.
        Photo By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
12/26/2008 3:31:58 PM

Thank you Bubai, and same to you.
        Photo By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
12/24/2008 10:45:46 AM

Thanks Supriyo.
        Photo By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)

Critique By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)  
12/24/2008 10:36:25 AM

Yes she was and I felt bad as the festive season occasionally ends with this.
        Photo By: Arijit Chakraborty  (K:447)

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