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Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/1/2004 1:29:59 AM

VB 7+
        Photo By: Teunis Haveman  (K:37426)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/1/2004 1:29:05 AM

        Photo By: Teunis Haveman  (K:37426)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/1/2004 1:15:05 AM

Dera Rob You are rihgt my friend.
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/1/2004 1:10:50 AM

        Photo By: kita mcintosh  (K:18594)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/1/2004 1:08:51 AM

very beautiful and sexy, 7+
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/31/2004 11:08:41 PM

        Photo By: WALT MESK  (K:10691)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/31/2004 11:08:15 PM

        Photo By: WALT MESK  (K:10691)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/31/2004 11:04:46 PM

Dear Walt,
Thanks for your comments and adding me to your friends list, I had a look at your portfolio and you have wonderful pictures. I am very happy that I joined UF.
Best regards
We are in same age!!!
        Photo By: WALT MESK  (K:10691)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/31/2004 10:56:52 PM

Dear Roberto, It would be my pleasure to see you someday!
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/31/2004 4:38:57 AM

Dear Hugo, you are not going to believe this but this is the original one.
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/31/2004 4:18:56 AM

Dear Hugo
Thanks for your comments, the color of umbrella and her bag were these colors (in original) what I have done is just desaturated the rest.
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/31/2004 1:54:09 AM

Dear Hugo
Beautiful shot from Persepolis, it brings me a lot of memories, I think the shadow disturbing the eyes somehow, and don?t you think so?
I did take it away on this image what do you think?
Best regards
Your comments have been always the most kindness ones.
        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/30/2004 2:49:23 AM

Dear Hugo, I am coming from Shiraz and it is interesting that you have been in my hometown, wow,
I think that composition here works very well, classic! And the funny thing here is despite sunny weather he is wearing jacket and capes :-)) I know that old people are more sensitive to cold climates.
And as you have mentioned maybe your camera light meter reading was not successful here, I downloaded you image and did a balancing with his face and hands, because they were a little bit reddish and compensate the light BG.
PS I did answer your comment and question about zooming after your comments.
Best regards
        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/30/2004 2:32:37 AM

salam, khoobi?
very beautiful, ilke the lines, and composition 7+
i didi answer your question and your comment on one of my images.
        Photo By: Sudhir K.  Reddy  (K:7583)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/30/2004 2:30:12 AM

Dear Hugo,
The technique is very simple, when I compose an image I try to visualize it for this effect, which you have it in PS
Filter_blur_radial blur and I use zooming and place the center on the object, which I want. Isn?t it simple?
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/30/2004 1:51:37 AM

tack Jeanette.
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/29/2004 6:07:46 AM

what a beautiful shot!
good composition
and it is very nice of you
thanks for your comments
best regards
        Photo By: Murat Harmanlikli  (K:7846)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/28/2004 11:43:55 PM

It seems that he doesn?t have any choice......
Best regards
        Photo By: Alireza Shahbazi  (K:225)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/28/2004 11:41:36 PM

Salam, nice composition
It seems that something ahs been wrong with scanning am I right?
        Photo By: Alireza Shahbazi  (K:225)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/27/2004 2:29:21 AM

Dear Hugo
You have been always kind to me thanks a lot, and believe me your comments are very valuable for, always.
best regards
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/26/2004 7:43:45 AM

nice paolo, good b&W
and thanks for your comments,
if you have more info about Milano contest, would be great to have this info, my e-mail is
best regards
        Photo By: Paola Pandolfini  (K:1176)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/25/2004 11:57:25 PM

can an image be better?
7+ and to my fav
        Photo By: James Adams  (K:73)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/25/2004 11:54:03 PM

ohhh so beautiful!
love it special your off frame effect!
7+ and to my fav
        Photo By: Günter Koth  (K:13841)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/25/2004 3:02:24 PM

Dear Hugo,
i didnt crop the image and i put the effect in PS
thanks for your comments.
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/19/2004 2:36:51 AM

very beautiful Sudhir,
thanks for your comments on my photo
i think that i saw somewhere which you have written salam or something like that, thats why i thought you may be an Iranian.

best regards
        Photo By: Sudhir K.  Reddy  (K:7583)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/17/2004 1:51:09 AM

Very very nice!
the idea is perfect andchose of toning and so just composition...
i would prefer to see this image in another composition
hur känner du honom?
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/17/2004 1:11:34 AM

Dastet dard nakone Elahe
nemidonam begam aks ya naghashi vali harkodom ke esmesho mizari az ranghaye besiyar zibaee estefadeh shodeh ke ba monasebat eyd ham vahgean jor darmiyad.
az ezhar lotfet va gozashtan commentroye aksam va an sher molavi ya nemidonam age mal khodet .. ham mamnon, ey kash rozi hame iraniha ham jam be dast va ba navaye shad dar havaee azad az band ba ham betonan beraghsand
eyd to ham mobarak
        Photo By: Elahe S. Ahmadian  (K:8695)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/17/2004 1:01:21 AM

Dear Moji
aval az har chiz, dastet dard nakone baraye commenthaee ke baraye aksham mizari.
dovoman eyde to ham mobarak
sevoman man nemidonam, shayad alghe man be kadr hasselblad hast ya har chi ,in aks zibaye to ro ba kadr digari barat mifrestam ta bebini agar taghiri to aks hes mikoni ya na, dar zemn a little bit more sharpness.
best regards
        Photo By: Moji Tehrani  (K:2678)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/16/2004 2:03:45 PM

Dear Hugo.
thanks a lot for your kindness, when you write to me and comment my photos, you are right about the contact shot and it was on film not PS, it is not so often that people appreciate what you have done,
anyway back to this wonderful shot, as an Iranian who have been in this kind of mosques a lot and even when i was a child i was laying down and look at those mirrors for hours during my mamas praying, i knew that they use floursent light sources inside this kind of mosques and i have photographed these kind of situation on film and unfortunately got the green cast because of the light source, and i was trying to filter the light to get the real result.
i did filtered as i used to your image and put a little bit more sharpness to see more details in this beautiful shot, hope you dont mind.
best regards
        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
3/16/2004 7:58:47 AM

Very beautiful Sudhir,
can you talk persian?
best regards
        Photo By: Sudhir K.  Reddy  (K:7583)

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