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Lazing on a Sunday afternoon I I I
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Image Title:  Lazing on a Sunday afternoon I I I
Favorites: 0 
 By: Hugo de Wolf  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Hugo de Wolf  Hugo de Wolf {Karma:185110}
Project #40 Street Photography Camera Model Nikon F100
Categories Architecture
Film Format
Portfolio Dossier Iran
Lens Nikon  28-105mm f/3.5-4.5D IF AF
Uploaded 3/31/2004 Film / Memory Type Fuji  NPH
    ISO / Film Speed 400
Views 1381 Shutter 1/500
Favorites Aperture f/22
Critiques 34 Rating
/ 19 Ratings
Location City -  Persepolis
State - 
Country - Iran   Iran
About I saw this groundskeeper being bored by the beauty of the magnificent palaces of Persepolis, near Shiraz in Iran. As it was just about noon, the man facing due south, there where not much chances of using shadows to play with. Still the bored but comfortable expression on this man's face in the strengthening sun was worth the try.
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There are 34 Comments in 1 Pages
luisa vassallo luisa vassallo   {K:28230} 4/17/2004


Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 4/7/2004
Hi! ,,,Hugo :Excellent Architectural View! Enhanced with the Figure of the Ground Keeper, Keeping an Eye on YOU!!!

Thank you for your Comment:Alberta Prairie Winter Scene...Jeff!!!


Raamses Ortiz   {K:4408} 4/3/2004
I don't know how this one escape me, maybe too busy with my own photos. The composition is fantastic, the colors, exposure and DOF are right on target. I like much the human touch it's just right.

Cheers Hugo,



Roy V Roy V   {K:13082} 4/1/2004
Beautiful and Strong! Awesome


Kees and Carolyn    {K:15193} 3/31/2004
Beautiful photo! The man adds perspective to the buildings. Good colors!


WALT MESK   {K:10691} 3/31/2004
a good shot.and now,I 'll wait the next three!compliments...walt.


Andrej V   {K:6693} 3/31/2004
It is hard to catch some vivid colors on a middle of a day... However you cought great composition , perfect depth of field and good prospective with a choice to leave a man in the picture!


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 3/31/2004
Hi Thamer, As all photos on UF, the match against France is also scaled down..... ) It'll be fun, though!




Thamer Al-Tassan Thamer Al-Tassan   {K:1358} 3/31/2004
Hi Hugo,

Including that person in the frame really adds some life to the photo. Also, you used him very well as a "scaling" tool.

Great composition, off-centering the person and showing the range of structures transitioning from the foreground to the background.

Well done my friend...

PS: Good luck with your match against France!


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 3/31/2004
It is just marvelous by it self, adding the man gives, life image, great angle and very interesting vertical object elements, the blue sky add flavour to this historical place ,well done and thanks for sharing it,Saeed


Tommaso Razzano   {K:8073} 3/31/2004
Here there are wonderful colors !
an hug dear friend...
ciao !


Rob Ernsting Rob Ernsting   {K:8899} 3/31/2004
Goede compositie en een mooi historisch beeld. Groetjes Rob.


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 3/31/2004
Hallo Faride, dank je voor je commentaar. Ik vind de alternatieve titel erg sterk. Ik heb voor "Lazing on a Sunday afternoon" gekozen omdat de aangename sfeer uit het nummer van Queen goed bij dit drieluik past. Het draagt de bedoeling die ik bij het samenstellen van het drieluik wilde overbrengen goed uit. Earth's Answer heeft een wat hardere ondertoon, en past wat dat betreft helaas beter bij de foto's uit Bam.... Hangt natuurlijk wel een beetje van de interpretatie af.... Ik wilde een kijkje nemen in jouw portfolio, maar die is nog leeg.....




Dan Lightner   {K:12684} 3/31/2004
The figure of the man really makes this image special to me Perfect composition. This is a very strong image Hugo


John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 3/31/2004


Faride Valigholizadeh   {K:496} 3/31/2004
Ik vind de inhoud zo prachtig en rijk. Oude man naast een oude en een historisch gebouw! Waarschijnlijk zie ik het meer van de ogen van een poëet en niet een photographer, of beide! Wat vind je van de naam ?earth?s answer? voor deze foto? Sommige dingen veranderen niet zomaar zoals Takhte-jamshid in shiraz. Ik vergelijk het met veranderen van ons gevoelens die soms door niet juist behandelingen door andere anders word.


Clifton Jones Clifton Jones   {K:10688} 3/31/2004
Beautiful...excellent shot...


Carmem A. Busko   {K:48785} 3/31/2004
Plesant scene... nice tones... the man in left corner give us ruins exact scale ..
A great capture, as always, Hugo! Excelent try...

Thank you, again, for the comment about my "Intrusion" picture.. I like the "consume" idea you?ve suggested. Your comments are always meaningful to me.


Richard Thornton   {K:26442} 3/31/2004
Hi Hugo ?

All images in this series have a certain "look" to them, color distribution from the particular film used I think ? that says "Middle East". Again, I like the high key and hard shadows of the searing sun. The figure placement is good.

Yes, I think the vignetting or fade out on the airplane pic could have been less or even eliminated. You flatter me, though, if you think I have given much intellectual time over to the planning of the image. I usually shoot from the hip (a metaphor) and the first draft is the only draft!


Maria Luisa Vial   {K:36017} 3/31/2004
Hi Hugo, This picture is beautiful... I like very much the composition... one gets transported to another dimension by the palaces... The colors are great!!!




Lou Dina   {K:12194} 3/31/2004
Hugo, I love the composition (with or without shadow) and the tones in this shot. I wish the columns weren't quite so washed out. Regards, Lou


Neil Dolman   {K:26883} 3/31/2004
Morning Hugo, nice stuff from you as usual. I prefer the other one that i commented on as i find the light here really harsh, but you can't do anything about that - or can you? :)
Thanks for all your comments i enjoy reading them as i also enjoy reading the comments you share with others. I can learn a lot from you, thanks. I like the PS that Danish did on this and also find it is an improvement. "Back to work on Monday" - yes i just look fowrward to seeing you working :) and not posting pictures from nice places like this. All good things, Neil


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 3/31/2004
Het deleten gaat via My Usefilm, en vervolgens "My Photos". Daar kan je een foto weer verwijderen. Terugzetten gaat met Add Photo...




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 3/31/2004
Ha Teunis, Dat copy pasten doe ik door in de email notification op de oude link naar de foto te plaatsen. Niets bijzonders.... Het commentaar staat ook onder mijn naam...:(




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 3/31/2004
Hi Danish, thanks for your comment. I think it is definately an improvement, and a very good PS job too. I thought of removing that spot, but decided against it, as I like to post my photo's as true-to-life as possible (apart from some level tweaking and framing / cropping) But it sure is an improvement.

Rest assured, If I see something in your photos that you might have overlooked or if I see a flaw, I'll mention it.... I always try to be honest in my comments and ratings, and your recent work is so bloody fantastic!




Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 3/31/2004
Hoe deliteje en foto een zet vervolgens het commentaar weer terug ?


Danish Abadi   {K:1468} 3/31/2004
Dear Hugo
Beautiful shot from Persepolis, it brings me a lot of memories, I think the shadow disturbing the eyes somehow, and don?t you think so?
I did take it away on this image what do you think?
Best regards
Your comments have been always the most kindness ones.


Dana James   {K:191} 3/31/2004
Wonderful shapes and tones Hugo


Paolo Grusovin   {K:3344} 3/31/2004
this is my favorite of the series.
The colors are dazzling!


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 3/31/2004
Hi Peter, I noticed it too... Sorry, my mistake. I needed to make a minor change, so I deleted the photo and then reposted it, probably when you were commenting on it. (when I deleted the image, it still had zero comments, otherwise I would've left it as it was) I received the comment notification, and copy pased your comment under the new version....

Thanks, I appreciate it! "Back to Work Monday" is another series, so you are not far off. Still need to do some work on it, but I'll be posting it over the weekend, I think....;)




Peter    {K:4365} 3/31/2004
I'm reposting this comment, because all comments to this photograph seem to have disappeared. If they subsequently reappear then please forgive me.

I've enjoyed the Sunday Afternoon series and was wondering if brightness was altered in post processing to create the effect of intense sunlight and glare, or is this natural.

Looking forward to the next series. Regards


Alan Armanini   {K:5407} 3/31/2004
Very Beautiful Composition.
Wonderful capture of the moment.
Wonderful Work!


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 3/31/2004
Teunis Haveman (Donor) (K: Updating C: Updating) - 2004-03-31
Mooie schaduw
Goede compositie


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 3/31/2004
Peter Congreve (K: Updating C: Updating) - 2004-03-31
What has caught my attention most in this series, is the brightness and glare reflecting off the subjects. Was the brightness increased in post processing, or is this the natural reflection of the sun off the lightly coloured geology.

Have enjoyed the series, and look forward to the next. "Back to Work Monday" perhaps ;)




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