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Critiques From Danish Abadi

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Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
2/24/2005 8:22:28 AM

Thanks Ali,
hope you find photography a bit of your soul, thats how i feel.
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
10/25/2004 8:03:32 AM

Dear Kambiz,
i did use 40mm on my hasselblad.
thanks again.
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
6/15/2004 12:10:37 PM

Thanks Geoff for sharing with me what you have seen in that film, one of my dreem is to have a vespa and drive it in Italy.
best regards
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
6/15/2004 6:41:25 AM

Dear Geof,
no i havent seen. is it something special about it?
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
5/26/2004 7:18:59 AM

vaghti be in aks negah mikonam va ba aks (me) moghayeseh mikonam alaraghm inke (be nazar miyad ke to hamoon cafe gerefte shodeh) vozoh inaks bishter, vali adam hes mikone ke taraf dare film bazi mikoneh, negahesh amigh nist, va dastesh be nazar miyad ke montazere akas ast, mano yadeh akshaye portreh mindazeh ke to Iran akasha migereftand va be sojeh migoftand ke yek jest artisti begir, va on ham yek pok mizad be sigar va dastesho ya mizasht ro pishonish va zir chonash va ye nimrokh :-))) yadesh bekheyr, nemigam mikhasti oon jori aks begiri vali khodaeesh hamchenin tasviri ro behem mideh, albate akshaee az ahmad shamloo ham hast ke ba hamin jest gerefte shodeh vali chon taraf artist bood, khob aks ham khob darmiyomad, albate gonage in akso mizaram be dosh in dostet na khodet.
Payandeh bashi
        Photo By: I M  (K:224)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
5/26/2004 6:59:15 AM

salam Ida, be chand dalil in aks mano be taraf khodesh keshid, 1, inke titr aks (me), baram jaleb bood ke betonam tasvir toro bebinam ( ama kamelan movafagh nashodam) 2, form gereftan sigar (dasthat) va labhat, toy in aks fokus asli ro dare va kheyli artistic toneste shodeh be maraz negah bezareh, 3, composition in aks ro mitonam begam ke to dar oon dakhil boodi va besiyar ali kar kardi.
darmored javabet be Hugo va Andrea bahat 100% movafegham, khodam osolan zood majzoob teknik ghaziyeh misham va baram ajib bood ke chera indafe nashodam, shayad to javabesh ro behtar bedoni.
ey kash man ham dar tehran boodam, kheyli delam baraye dostan va oon faza rang shodeh, 7+
Payandeh bashi
        Photo By: I M  (K:224)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
5/26/2004 6:42:41 AM

Dear Mohammad,
nice idea and very well done, 7+
nemidonestam FC 1gb dari, pesar vazet behtar az mast :-)
payandeh bashi
        Photo By: Mohammad Reza Shahrokhi Nejad  (K:7396)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/16/2004 2:22:53 PM

very beautiful! 7+
        Photo By: Hassan Ahmed  (K:2995)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/15/2004 2:45:44 PM

        Photo By: Yuri Bonder  (K:268)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/15/2004 2:44:43 PM

so beautiful
        Photo By: Yuri Bonder  (K:268)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/15/2004 2:43:55 PM

wow such a clarity!
add to my favorit
        Photo By: Yuri Bonder  (K:268)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/15/2004 2:42:52 PM

so beautiful and funny!
bor du i Uppsala?
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/15/2004 2:39:53 PM

Nice shot, it seems that he took it easy at the same time that she needs to rest as well :-)
added you my friends list
best regards
        Photo By: I M  (K:224)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/13/2004 3:43:17 AM

Dear Hugo, like always, with good ideas.
Thanks for comments; the reason that I chose this full frame was that if I wanted to crop the image as you have done the most concentration would be on the corridor and not on the left side of the picture, do you know what I mean?
Best regards

        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/13/2004 3:39:11 AM

Thanks Stephen.
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/13/2004 3:37:55 AM

Mersi Elahe, shoma akshaye kheyli khobi darid
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/13/2004 3:37:00 AM

moteshaker Mogi
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/13/2004 3:36:42 AM

moteshakeram hassan
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/8/2004 4:51:41 AM

Dear Hugo, you have had of course the opportunity to smell all those kind of curries and that stuff which gives an 1500 century feeling, don?t you think so?
Great capture of atmosphere.
By the way I don?t know if it has been your flash light or daylight, it seems that it is a little bit too much blue and that?s why it decrease the warmness of that atmosphere which I think that you wanted to show us, I did decrease it, you will see here
Best regards
        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/8/2004 1:16:23 AM

Hej Jeanette,
jag tycker att du är väldigt duktig på polaroid tränsfäring, jätte fina effekter du får, Järna mer sånt,
jag tycker att akvarell papperet försvinner på nåt sätt i den här monitor ljuset, vad tycker du om den här varianten?
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/8/2004 12:56:45 AM

Thanks Lorinda,
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/8/2004 12:55:16 AM

Dear Hugo,
It was summer 96 and I was going home and was not indented to shot this race, because I had a manual zoom 35-200m and when I saw these guys, I had provia 100iso and said to myself try it you don?t loose anything, and the result without any help from PS became this.
Thanks for your comment and did you get my jpg article?
Best regards
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/8/2004 12:49:06 AM

Dear Hugo, it?s so empty without your comments,
Here you have my wife and my son for 2 years ago, and you have right its the atmosphere which I meant here not something else.
best regards
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/8/2004 12:26:47 AM

You have been always kind to me Hugo
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/8/2004 12:25:58 AM

I am glad to here that Hassan
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/7/2004 7:15:57 AM

Dear ghada,
I am not surprised that so many photographers do still like LF, thanks God
Best regards
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/7/2004 7:13:32 AM

Dear Uwe, in that time when I got this picture there was no Photoshop possibility for me and I did try to make visible the clouds by using red filter,
Thanks for comments
Best regards
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/7/2004 7:08:24 AM

Dear John,
i belive that you are a fan of LF, great to know you
best regards
        Photo By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/7/2004 5:55:56 AM

Hi again,
nice idea and again a i do have a alternaive to this picture if you dont mind, i did
1. changed to b&W because it gives an stronger image
2, minimised the light on his nose because it was so dominated
3, more lighted on his eyes, thats i gues is the most important area
best regards
        Photo By: I M  (K:224)

Critique By: Danish Abadi  (K:1468)  
4/7/2004 5:23:45 AM

Dear Ida,
if you live in iran and have this stuff at home, i can tell you that you are really brave.
nice shot, i didi download your image and did a little bit change, what do you think?
1. slightlyrotate
2, changing contrast and lighting the motive more
3, adding a frame
        Photo By: I M  (K:224)

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