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Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
11/28/2004 9:04:48 PM

Holy Cow! Holy Smokes!
        Photo By: Titia Geertman  (K:5582)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
11/28/2004 9:04:09 PM

Thank you Titia for the lovely poem. I do miss my friends here at Usefilm, but the interface is just too technical for it to be good for my photography, and time does not permit me to stay active on both sites in any case.

If you want to come visit me, I am easy to find at where there is almost always Something in My Eye.

For over a year, I posted at least one photo there every single day, but now, even that mania has subsided and I feel I am in the best place I have ever been with my photography.

I am also the moderator of another flog called Peace on Earth and have been collecting NASA images on yet another page at Fotolog called Earth From Space at

Your recent photographs look FANTASTIC!

Take care friend....


        Photo By: John Charlton  (K:5595)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
6/20/2004 11:31:27 PM

Thanks Kim. I haven't printed this one yet, and if I did, I would have to recreate the photo again for print resolution. This one was made for the web.

Fortunately, the filter I use, called Virtual Painter, gives me a tremendous amount of control over the final results.

I have also been working lately, printing my photos to canvas and stretching them like oil paintings. This allows me to display them without having to cover them with glass.
        Photo By: John Charlton  (K:5595)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
6/9/2004 8:01:30 PM

I am sorry to hear my photo discouraged you. I hope to see your iris photos soon.

This is an interesting effect you have used here. Now I will have to go do my homework...
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
6/7/2004 1:31:22 PM

Very dramatic balance. Or should I say, unbalance. Either way, it works!
        Photo By: Yvon Loyer  (K:1449)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
6/7/2004 2:58:09 AM

Hi Mary Sue. I have a friend over at who finds and photographs crosses everywhere. He did a whole series of found crosses every Sunday for months on end. While I'm not religious myself, his photos have had an effect on me. I too see them now whenever I am out and about.

The sixtieth anniversary of D-Day seems to have taken on much greater significance than in years past, perhaps because the men are gettting older and this may be their last chance to gather in a big way. I just wanted to do something that symbolized for me my appreciation of the sacrifice so many young men made for the lives we lead today.

Thanks for your comment/
        Photo By: John Charlton  (K:5595)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
6/6/2004 11:55:09 PM

Lovely contrast and colour... the short diagonal leading to the peninsula adds just the right note of movement to keep me engaged in this quiet meditation.
        Photo By: John Lamb  (K:9687)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
6/5/2004 9:57:34 PM

Look at that, two pots of gold... only in California you say... pity

Great work Elan!
        Photo By: Elangovan S  (K:10675)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
6/5/2004 9:52:38 PM

Good to see ya... now go out and pan that 6.6 frame mountain man

        Photo By: John Barclay  (K:3650)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
6/5/2004 9:47:14 PM

Works just as good on its side too!
        Photo By: John Barclay  (K:3650)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
6/5/2004 9:39:59 PM

Right-left, left-right, mirrored, flipped, upside down, you can turn this image any way you want and it always comes out the same; perfectly balanced.

Try it. It's actually quite fun. And this is a wonderful example of perfect balance. It just couldn't be any better. So mirror it if you want but it won't change a thing. This is simply a great photograph. I don't rate but if I did, this would get a 7. Should be in a gallery or at least in competition.

Wow.... Added to my favourites...
        Photo By: John Barclay  (K:3650)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
6/5/2004 9:22:52 PM

Left to right or right to left preferences aside, how our eye travels through an image will be make little difference as long as we are kept inside the frame.

The effect of ppdix's reversed version lessens the problem of our eyes being led out of the composition (at least for our western eyes), but doesn't solve the problem that there are still two competing subjects to contend with.

Another point to be made about directional preferences is that many people like myself tend to read newspapers and magazines from back to front. How screwed up is that?
        Photo By: John Barclay  (K:3650)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
6/5/2004 4:28:20 PM

My preference would be to eliminate these lines by choosing a slightly different position or by cropping them out like this.
        Photo By: John Barclay  (K:3650)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
6/5/2004 4:28:05 PM

Thanks John and Mary sue. I was trying to get this fellow and his dog to dissapear into the canvas.
        Photo By: John Charlton  (K:5595)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
6/5/2004 4:19:14 PM

Just to add my two cents worth here, I think this is a truly wonderful image, but my eye is pulled away from the main subject by the blossoms in the background... that wouldn't be too bad except that the lines of those blossoms (see arrows in attached post) actually exit my eye right out of the frame.

Of course, the in-focus flowers pull my eye back in but the conflict between the forground (being the sharp area in the centre) and the background remains unresolved.

I don't see a problem at all with the blurry bits at the bottom and lower left of the frame. They create balance and style which raize this floral well above the average.
        Photo By: John Barclay  (K:3650)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
6/5/2004 3:47:17 PM

6 foot 6 tall?

Geepers John... you got an Xpan... you got that looking over the crowd thing going on... you gotta take a self-portrait for us for your portfolio... consider yourself challenged.

Now about this piece of wonderful. As soon as I pick my jaw up off the ground, I'll be adding it to my favourites. Completely spectacular!
        Photo By: John Barclay  (K:3650)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
6/5/2004 3:27:40 PM

Masterful work here John... August sounds like fun... I've heard Freeman talk about South Africa with unbridled passion. Should be the trip of a lifetime.
        Photo By: John Barclay  (K:3650)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
6/5/2004 3:23:44 PM

A lovely series. They all worked out fine.
        Photo By: John Barclay  (K:3650)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
6/5/2004 3:23:19 PM

Way to pan the pan John. If I ever get back into film it will be because of this camera.
        Photo By: John Barclay  (K:3650)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
6/4/2004 11:26:43 PM

This is beautiful John... I love the subtle colours... Linn has a good effect on you
        Photo By: John Barclay  (K:3650)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
5/21/2004 9:18:47 PM

Clearly my favourite of the three. My only quip, and it is a small one, is the figure not dividing the image down the centre as I would like it to do.
        Photo By: Rick Mccawley  (K:2878)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
5/21/2004 9:13:51 PM

Woo hoo!
        Photo By: Rick Mccawley  (K:2878)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
5/21/2004 9:12:02 PM

I am attracted by the colour in this photo. While the red predominates initially, it is the cool tones which win out. The balance between the two is what holds me.

Very cool indeed.
        Photo By: Rick Mccawley  (K:2878)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
5/21/2004 8:56:15 PM

Thanks Nathan... funny you should comment on this today as I just set it as my desktop wallpaper yesterday morning.

I haven't really spent much time with the photo since I posted it and was delighted to discover the image again in my files.

Glad you liked the series.
        Photo By: John Charlton  (K:5595)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
5/19/2004 3:11:18 PM

I'm just mad about Saffron
Saffron's mad about me
        Photo By: Bill Morgenstern  (K:7157)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
5/16/2004 11:57:03 PM

Another great vertical. Looking forward to seeing more.
        Photo By: Roberto Bertone  (K:13239)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
5/16/2004 11:54:08 PM

Pure magic.
        Photo By: Roberto Bertone  (K:13239)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
5/16/2004 11:44:33 PM

Very mysterious... do you notice that the errant photo has a small mountain rising from the water. Somewhat reminicent of the island of Montreal as seen from the south shore.

Amazing the things you will find on the "net."

I like your intial post just fine.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
5/16/2004 11:43:36 PM

I like to say I was born on the side of an extinct volcano in the middle of a giant river. Montreal is, like much of Canada, steeped in geography. It is where I was born and I grew up just the other side of the river between those two bridges.

Home and beyond... for me at least, no other view could hold this title so well.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: John Charlton  (K:5595)  
5/16/2004 11:43:08 PM

This is a very nice graphic and a very pleasing photo to view. The balance is perfect. A great take on a familiar subject. The black and white conversion was a good choice here.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

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