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Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
12/10/2005 4:39:34 PM

Great capture Erci. This image jumped out at me
from the thumbnail what a great image it is. I love these types of shots and am always looking for vantage points in water relections as well.
Thanks for sharing!
        Photo By: eric schneider  (K:1318)

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
12/9/2005 8:44:30 PM

Not usually one for a lack of words, but simply AMAZING, sums this one up. A visual joy Paolo!
        Photo By: Paolo Corradini  (K:59552) Donor

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
12/9/2005 8:41:25 PM

Great capture Dr. I am a big fan of umbrella's as
a photographic subject. Love what you've created.
        Photo By: Dr. Rafael Springmann  (K:89517) Donor

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
12/9/2005 3:09:30 PM

Colin, what an unsual sky you've captured. Reminds me of cottonballs with embers underneath. After the sun set, did the sky and clouds glow with 'aftercolor'. These type of clouds always lend themselves nicely to soaking up beautiful colors. Excellent job!
        Photo By: Colin Cartwright  (K:15699)

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
12/9/2005 2:55:03 PM

This is wonderful Alison! Fits in perfectly with our current project. I have to agree, this needs a BIP. Love your accompanying verse. Where to find these gems all the time? I am having a difficult time finding a verse for my daughters upcoming HS graduation. Any ideas?
        Photo By: Alison DuFlon  (K:36566)

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
12/9/2005 2:41:15 PM

Thanks Alvin for your comments. This was taken
a little spot that I've studied through many seasons and years. The way the water flows and the surroundings, all lend itself unlimited visual possibilities. And the neat thing is, you'll never be able to capture the same image twice. It changes all the time. That's why I like to return there for new perspectives. Again, thanks for your input.
        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
12/7/2005 2:20:04 PM

Thanks Tony for your comments. I too used to lug around many pounds of equipment and sink alot of money into my passion, but I have been considerably freed of both since I switched to digital. I rarely miss my SLR. I mainly shoot jpeg @ 50. On very rare occasions, I will shoot Raw, but I much prefer jpeg for ease and space constraints. I do notice a bit of noise at times, but I've noticed if I do a fairly good job in the field with exposure and such and not have to re-work in PS, it cuts down on unwanted noise. PS is where I've noticed alot of noise is generated. Thanks again for your interest!
        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
12/7/2005 2:06:25 PM

It is as if I'm standing there myself at the edge of the field, only, I can see the cold but don't feel it, huddled in my warm office. Your pictures have a clarity and 'aliveness' which is amazing. I love coming to visit. Well done Carsten!
        Photo By: Carsten Ranke  (K:14476)

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
12/6/2005 2:59:31 PM

This is wonderful. What a fitting title. I like the postioning you went with which leads the eye into the foggy unknown. Excellent job Tony! Into my favorites it goes
        Photo By: Tony Smallman  (K:23858) Donor

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
12/4/2005 2:30:38 PM

Will TUCK it. Word to the wise... proof read
        Photo By: Judi Liosatos  (K:34047)

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
12/4/2005 2:29:23 PM

Amazing! Most struck by the various layers of pastel light. Will uck in my favorites for future enjoyment. Thanks for bringing your view of the world to us. We appreciate it!
        Photo By: Judi Liosatos  (K:34047)

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
11/27/2005 4:33:54 PM

Neil, I like what you've captured here. You and I have common ways of seeing. I've never tried the B&W approach, but I like what you've achieved here.Makes for a nice abstract as well as fitting in with the current project. Excellent job!
        Photo By: Neil Niamh White  (K:9165)

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
11/25/2005 1:46:58 PM

This is an amazing cloudscape you've captured here. Another beautiful canvas created by mother nature and captured by the beautiful Judi Liosatos. Well done in all respects!
        Photo By: Judi Liosatos  (K:34047)

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
11/25/2005 1:42:24 PM

Great work Kathleen. Nice to see your creations again. I love the overall softness. I miss seeing everybody at our group. Hope you'll continue posting.
        Photo By: Kathleen Royles  (K:451)

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
11/23/2005 1:17:23 PM

Hi Alison. Not exactly sure what the red is. If I could venture to guess, it is some sort of fungus. This was taken along the rocks by the ocean. The red jumped out at me and is what attracted me intially. Then peering down, I discovered more visual jewels.
        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
11/23/2005 1:11:39 PM

Excellent work Joggie, and what an apt title to go along with this amazing image. It's music to the eyes. Thanks for composing it for us!
        Photo By: Joggie van Staden  (K:41700)

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
11/23/2005 1:17:27 AM

Paul, you've got yourself a winer here. Right up my alley. As you mentioned, the relection of the cloud pattern makes for a wonderful design. Excellent all-around!
        Photo By: Paul's Photos  (K:35235)

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
11/22/2005 2:51:55 AM

Reminds me of an ode to summers passing. The long shadows on the sands are nice and somewhat unusual as one doesn't normally see trees near the coast here. Very well done Alison. Wonderful commentary as well.
        Photo By: Alison DuFlon  (K:36566)

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
11/22/2005 2:36:53 AM

I shot many variations of this scene, and the one I picked originally, I liked the best of the lot because it showed so many different dimensions. The light is what really grabbed me intially as it shimmered golden at the bottom of the shallow stream. Thanks for your input. Much appreciated.
        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
11/21/2005 10:23:37 PM

Thanks Michael for your insights. I have taken your advise.
        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
11/20/2005 11:33:34 PM

Excellent capture Philip. I'm impressed. This portrait holds many stories waiting to be told.
        Photo By: Phillip Filtz  (K:1792) Donor

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
11/20/2005 11:24:45 PM

With storms come clouds, and with clouds, photo ops, as illustrated here. Great colors. Excellent capture Mark!
        Photo By: Mark Wlaz  (K:4564)

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
11/18/2005 10:08:33 PM

Makes me want to hop in and head out to sea
Nice capture Lucio!
        Photo By: Lucio Sassi  (K:3)

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
11/18/2005 10:06:18 PM

Roberta, what a great capture! I love clouds and it's rare to get this vantage point unless you're a bird or get to fly alot. A nice capture!
        Photo By: Roberta Elena Dragan  (K:345) Donor

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
11/18/2005 10:03:26 PM

Warren, thanks for your kind comments. I can truly appreciate this shot since it's the kind of thing I look for in trying to see things from a different perspective. The colors are very vibrant, I love the red. Well seen!
        Photo By: Warren Simons  (K:741) Donor

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
11/15/2005 7:28:01 PM

Wonderful capture of a spectacular cloud mass. Love the coral and pink tones. Well done Alicia!
        Photo By: Alicia Popp  (K:87532)

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
11/15/2005 7:07:07 PM

Thanks Chris. This is in Arcadia Management Area where I've been taking most of my sunsets as of late, mainly because it's only a few miles from work on the way home. Unfortunately, now it's dark when I make the trip home. This little river actually runs into Browning Mill Pond, part of Arcadia.
        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
11/15/2005 7:01:50 PM

Hi Chris. Thanks for looking. This is actually taken down in my neck of the woods at the Wyoming Dam. This shot is actually part of the Wood River. Enjoyed looking at your Website. Very impressive job.
        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
11/15/2005 6:56:18 PM

I love this Clifton. Through those clouds, I do believe I spy Shangrila . Great perspective. Well seen!
        Photo By: Clifton Mair  (K:363)

Critique By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor  
11/15/2005 6:31:51 PM

Nope! Like it just as it sits. Love the subtle colors. Makes you look at the design more created be the cloudscape. Well done Ratty!
        Photo By: Drowned Rat  (K:249)

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