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Image Title:  Ripples
Favorites: 1 
 By: Alison DuFlon  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Alison DuFlon  Alison DuFlon {Karma:36566}
Project #52 Patterns in Nature Camera Model Minolta Dimage Z5
Categories Abstracts
Film Format
Portfolio Nature
Todds pointe-Greenwich
Lens 35-420
Uploaded 12/8/2005 Film / Memory Type Digital SD Card
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1793 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 50 Rating
/ 13 Ratings
Location City - 
State -  CT
Country - United States   United States
About As I sit beside the ocean,
And I listen to its roar,
All my thoughts are washed as clean there as the rocks along the shore.

All my cares become as small there
As the sand the waves have crushed,
And my mind becomes as still there
As the tree the wind has hushed.

And I empty all my soul out
on the ebbing of the tide,
And I'm filled to overflowing
With the peace that comes inside.
Peace by Catharine M. Schramm

Taken at Todds-Pointe in Greenwich, CT
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There are 50 Comments in 1 Pages
John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 6/8/2006
Nice to see this on the front page Alison!!!!
Again.......Very nice!!!
Wasn't trying to copy You with My 'ripples' shot! LOL!
Take care friend!.................John


tugba trr   {K:123} 5/15/2006
perfect pattern. excelent composition of sand see and the city
nice work!


m , m ,   {K:15872} 4/30/2006
An attractive picture! Lovely colours and nice details! You’ve created very nice attentions on the picture with using a nice point of view for presenting this ideal perspective! Wish this peaceful idea would spread worldwide!
Best wishes: Maxime


no longer a member no longer a member   {K:10557} 4/17/2006
Congratulations on the Best in Project award. Very fitting and well deserved.

My compliments and best wishes........Mike


Mahamed Ariffin   {K:7114} 3/16/2006
Congratulations for being selected as the BIP!! I am proud of you, Alison!


Khaled Mursi Hammoud Khaled Mursi Hammoud   {K:54005} 3/14/2006
Wonderful catch of these patterns Alison... I like the alternating lighted and shaded sand lines.... Congrats for the BIP and for being on the front page today, well deserved my friend,


Ryan Suaverdez   {K:1001} 3/13/2006
congratulations on the best in project. very appropriate for the project.


Alison DuFlon Alison DuFlon   {K:36566} 3/8/2006
Ingrid, I am so sorry to hear about your Mother, I can imagine your sadness, I am glad the verse that I put with this helped you in some way, I also go down to the shore to clear my head, there is something magical in it. I will keep your mother in my prayers. Take care of yourself. Alison


Ingrid Mathews   {K:7277} 3/8/2006
Somehow, I managed to have overlooked this the first time around. I'm glad they posted it today.
I love the verse you chose to accompany it. I needed to read something uplifting today. It's been a trying week after finding out my mother is nearing her end. I spent the weekend along the seashore finding some solace there. Thanks again for sharing.


joanna ewa   {K:8061} 3/7/2006
I see You next time on the front page:))


John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 2/25/2006
Can't believe I missed this one Alison!!!
This is just about perfect for the patterns project!!!
What terrific light and patterns!!!
A well deserved BIP and excellent photograph My Friend!
So nice to see You on the front page!
My best........................John


joanna ewa   {K:8061} 2/23/2006
hi Alison:)
great shot an good composition - I like it - excellent image os the sands
congratulation because of front page


Gabriella Carta Gabriella Carta   {K:22879} 2/23/2006
wonderful shot, good. Lovely


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 2/7/2006
fine texture alison, justa BIP


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 1/31/2006
Congratulations on BIP and having your great picture featured on the Home Page.


Randy Lorance Randy Lorance   {K:24769} 1/30/2006
Nice capture of great nature patterns, congratulations on BIP. This perspective really worked well, I like the slinder strip of houses on horizon, nicely composed shot.



Susie OConnor Susie OConnor   {K:34798} 1/29/2006
Very pretty Alison, and congrats on your BIP! Thsis is really an attention grabber...well seen!


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 1/28/2006
I have already commented on the lovely composition my dear Alison, just wanted to say....

CONGRATULATIONS.....on your front page sweetie.Ray


joanna ewa   {K:8061} 1/25/2006
hi Alison:) great tones and lines.
congratulation because of front page:))))))


Kathy Hillard Kathy Hillard   {K:25721} 1/23/2006
Congrats on BIP Alison! How did I miss this image? Very nice and well deserved award!


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 1/15/2006
Well done my sweet, another deserved award. I have already commented on this beautiful scene and it still looks as good as when I first saw it. Best wishes to you and 'see' you soon...Ray


Alison DuFlon Alison DuFlon   {K:36566} 12/17/2005
Thank you so much Alastair. Alison


Alastair Bell   {K:29571} 12/17/2005
Hey great! You got a BIP!!! Well done and well deserved - this is a great shot with well juded DOF and good composition of lines drawing the eye into the image. Well done and congratulations on the award!!!


Sergio  Cárdenas Sergio  Cárdenas   {K:25028} 12/17/2005
Felicitaciones Alison, muy buena fotrografia para este proyecto, me agrada mucho como se ve las numerosas sombras en la arena.
Mil saludos


Giulio Rotelli Giulio Rotelli   {K:28441} 12/11/2005
uno scatto che mi piace da morire.. sarà perchè anche io sono affascinato dai giochi visivi che può creare la marea sulla sabbia...
Ottimo davvero...


Carsten Ranke   {K:14476} 12/11/2005
Great patterns of the ripples, the lighting is perfect for this shot. A nice add-on is the barrel distortion of your lens at the wide end (I guess this was about 35 mm equivalent), it adds to the feeling of vsatness and space in this place




Alison DuFlon Alison DuFlon   {K:36566} 12/11/2005
Yes Linda, this was really low tide. First time I have seen this pattern there. Alison


Alison DuFlon Alison DuFlon   {K:36566} 12/11/2005
Kiarang, I didn't crop the shop because I felt that the background gave the shot a lot of depth, and I like the way the houses looked so small. It was a grey day thus no sky color. Alison


Kiarang Alaei Kiarang Alaei   {K:49415} 12/10/2005
there is a question for me; why you didn't crop the upper part of this shot?!wide view is interesting and the little curve in upper part, but that area hasn't good exposure or any things interesting, i think it could be croped from up till that blue part.


Mohammad Porooshani Mohammad Porooshani   {K:20765} 12/10/2005
Greeting, this is a real work. I wish you remeber me, but the point is : I was gone for about 4-5 months, and now, I think the best change happened to this life is your present PERFECT photos. I'll be exremely proud if you call me "friend" again.
And the point about this photo; the lines guide the eyes to the top of the image. This is perfect, sorry, Much More than Perfect.
your Friend, Mohammad Porooshani.


Hanggan Situmorang Hanggan Situmorang   {K:37833} 12/10/2005
Congratulations, Alison. Very nicely seen and composed. Well done!


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 12/10/2005
Excelente foto Alison,preciosas texturas,muy buen angulo de toma creando una composicion preciosa
Muchisimas gracias por hremoso comento a "Sunset glory"


Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 12/10/2005
Brillante imagen!!. Texturas excelentes!!!. Merecido reconocimento, Felicitaciones!!!


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 12/10/2005
Congratulations on BIP and having your intiguing picture featureed on the Home Page.


missy mullins missy mullins   {K:677} 12/10/2005
wow..great eye :)...what a beautiful pattern :)


Neal Nye   {K:15827} 12/10/2005
Congratulations Alison! All these dizzying little ridges make a fine pattern. LIke a maze. Amazing :)


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 12/10/2005
Congratulations my friend!! A well deserved award, you deserve more than this..I'm glad to see it!!


Darlene Boucher   {K:15739} 12/10/2005
Beautiful capture Alison! And perfect patterns in nature, wonderful details and composition. And congratulations on well deserved award....very well done my friend! Darlene


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 12/9/2005
nice angle and perspective.. good capture


Ingrid Mathews   {K:7277} 12/9/2005
This is wonderful Alison! Fits in perfectly with our current project. I have to agree, this needs a BIP. Love your accompanying verse. Where to find these gems all the time? I am having a difficult time finding a verse for my daughters upcoming HS graduation. Any ideas?


7++++++++++++++ hermanita!!! que gran fotografía!! debo decirte que al principio pensé que se trataba de una foto tuya desnuda (por la textura) hahahahahaha!!!!
MENTIRA!!! con la última foto que me enviaste estas tan bella que ya no puedo mas que fastidiarte pues yo estoy mas viejo que tu: ahora pareces hermana de Sean y Kessia, pero tambien de Tippy y chula, hahahaaha!!!
ayer tuvimos un día increible en el club de campo con tu sobrina. luego te envío fotos a tu e-mail .
besos de betty y mios


sanjeev jain   {K:8763} 12/9/2005
a hhaa...i like the framing the ripples are not their but land is imitating the ripples as if water is doing so i liked the game of hide and seek in it image good work alison.:).


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 12/9/2005
Another lovely peaceful scene Alison and I just love the patterns created in the shoreline with light and shadow. Well done you. Best wishes. Ray


CorrieLynn Jacobsen CorrieLynn Jacobsen   {K:9882} 12/9/2005
Wow!! Really dizzying too;) Such a fantastic shot, definately well suited for this project!


Maria Luisa Vial   {K:36017} 12/9/2005
Wonderful paterns and excellent composition... Love the colors... Great texture also... Well done my dear friend...




Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 12/9/2005
Well seen and captured for the project, Alison!


Dirck DuFlon   {K:35779} 12/9/2005
I love the ripples that are left when the tide goes out, especially when the sun is low to really make them pop like you caught them here! I don't know if I'd seen such a big expanse of them before - perfect entry for the current project!


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 12/8/2005
Excellent landscape Alison!
Beautiful abstract!


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 12/8/2005
Incredible patterns in nature Alison, I love the ripples, was the tide out? Perfectly captured, the low perspective is great, excellent composition with the ripples leading the viewer into the image! Great entry in the project, well seen!!


Domjan Svilkovic   {K:3104} 12/8/2005
Excellent 'Patterns in Nature' project photo! Well done!




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