Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/8/2010 3:00:04 PM
a very very beautiful image, Dear Kallol.. U've done to capture the rest of morning fog with a captivating and produce this beautiful atmosphere also the people activity... excellent !
hugs, Ryca
Photo By: Kallol Majumdar
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/8/2010 2:55:54 PM
very nice photo, Dear Srna couple who are in love are illustrated with great emotion and represent your love to your friend from UF too... Me to thanks so much for the friendship :)
all the best, Ryca
Photo By: Srna Stankovic
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/8/2010 7:36:21 AM
hmmm...i'm not really agree with the object selection, Ibraheem..(imho) for my taste, this shot must be very interesting in BW style. In fact, I cant deny the beauty of this landscape, lighting, and its composition thats so great!
welcome to UF and keep doing the good job :) RycA
Photo By: ibraheem alnassar
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/8/2010 7:31:04 AM
a disappointment and gloomy situation, txules.. The grimy walls and peeling, the withered or dead flowers, and old photograph are the elements which strengthen the mood of this shot. Lighting and gradation from light to dark side is great and still keep the detail. Excellent BW!
congrats, Ryca
Photo By: txules .
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/8/2010 7:17:51 AM
touching photo with interesting focus and angle..
best wishes, Ryca
Photo By: larry concepcion
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/8/2010 7:15:48 AM
really emotive shoot, Dear Pablo.. love the film grain, composition, and your sensitivity...
all the best, Ryca
Photo By: Pablo Dylan
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/8/2010 7:13:31 AM
wow...great color and post production, Dear sofia... looks like a tsunami wave that swept the house 
hugs, Ryca
Photo By: Sofia Gilbert
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/8/2010 7:08:53 AM
smart angle and composition, Keith.. beautiful image..
congrats, Ryca
Photo By: Keith Saint
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/8/2010 7:07:04 AM
superb night shot, Krishnendu! great execution, beautiful atmosphere, and love the moving people at the background.
cheers, Ryca
Photo By: K r i s h n e n d u - The NoOne
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/8/2010 7:05:02 AM
This week I did not keep up with your pictures, Harry :).. A good angle in all of the above limitation produce this great aerial photograph.. I love the pattern, the atmosphere must be very hot!
hugs, Ryca
Photo By: Wolf Zorrito
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/8/2010 6:57:42 AM
wow very cute girl, avi... I think this picture is still quite sharp :) Really enjoy her expression while spending the dinner, lighting and color also wonderful tough..
all the best, Ryca
Photo By: Avi
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/7/2010 3:03:41 PM
Dear Doug, First of all, thank you for your real critique :) Think I don't have any reason to hate you for being honest, instead I really appreciate it so much...and so sorry to late reply coz I dont spend much time to be online, hope you understand. I'll try to answer your question and confusion.
1. Thanks (again) for stopping by 2. In fact, I was not really sure about this shot. That's why I upload here and maybe I've got the point from you. 3. hmm..think I do agree with you, a lil bit noise in the upper one third. I'm trying to get details about the black cloud that was so much noise and in the lower one third is the opposite :). 4. Then lucky me.. 5. Yep, its quite a bit off. 6. I'm really curious with your software use to smoother this image (but its ok if its your secret lol) 7. Hmm...not agree, especially if cropping the right side this picture will becomes less dimension. 8. Ok. 9. is it important? 
Why I named it so? the complete title is "one day when the fisherman do not go fishing and relax". I do sometimes have difficulty to make the title simpler, so I use an online dictionary to translate it and maybe there are some misunderstanding I dont know :)
Ok hope you'll be satisfied with this. I spent about a half hour to read and reply carefully using the dictionary  Btw your retouch is very cool! Thanks so much, you are really a talented person, Dear Doug..
have a nice day, Ryca
Photo By: Ryca C.R.
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/7/2010 2:28:46 PM
very nice post production, Dear Philip.. this is one of your unique and creative shot. adding it to my favorite!
best regards, Ryca
Photo By: Dilip Kumar Sharma
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/7/2010 2:23:06 PM
Dear all, thanks for stopping by.. I really appreciate your comments
all the best, Ryca
Photo By: Ryca C.R.
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/7/2010 2:20:38 PM
lovely reflection and color, Dear Malules.. whatta beautiful day :)
hugs, Ryca
Photo By: Malules Fernandez
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/7/2010 6:26:34 AM
beautiful post production, Zefram.. very nice imagination and beautiful colors..
congrats, Ryca
Photo By: Zefram Zef
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/7/2010 6:20:40 AM
interesting night shot, Michel... the lighting n tone is so beautiful and strengthen its atmosphere..
best wishes, Ryca
Photo By: Michel Beaupré
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/7/2010 6:15:09 AM
excellent photo (as usual), Dear Krishnendu. very nice contrast and lighting.
best regards, Ryca
Photo By: K r i s h n e n d u - The NoOne
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/7/2010 6:05:44 AM
beautiful angle and contrast, Supriyo.. great BW!
cheers, Ryca
Photo By: Supriyo R. Sarkar
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/6/2010 2:30:03 PM
very good presentation.. hope you will be blessed with true peace of mind, joy and contentment, dear Ania..
all the best, Ryca
Photo By: Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/6/2010 2:23:39 PM
beautiful perspective and dimension, Radovan. great composition tough.
best wishes, Ryca
Photo By: Radovan Magdalenic
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/6/2010 2:16:17 PM
lovely view and composition, Dear Nanda.. the part which I'm interested so much is the pines as the symbol of life and fertility...
best wishes, Ryca
Photo By: Nanda Baba das
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/6/2010 2:08:48 PM
very nice detail and lighting, Aungsita. powerful portrait!
congrats, Ryca
Photo By: Aungsita Chatterjee
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/6/2010 2:06:08 PM
very creative work, Ivona.. The colorful puppets surrounded by white atmosphere of snow makes this photo interesting..
best wishes, Ryca
Photo By: Ivona Lozic
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/6/2010 1:57:57 PM
wow...congratulation for the SC award, Dear Malules.. U deserve it :)
all the best, Ryca
Photo By: Malules Fernandez
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/4/2010 2:54:14 PM
wow..I love the eyes! very nice look and angle, Dear Malules. superb contrast and detail..
best wishes, Ryca
Photo By: Malules Fernandez
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/4/2010 2:11:58 PM
I think this should be ready for one more award! Whatta fantastic nature shot and very magical feeling, Debjit! Welcome the new year, hope good things are going to happen, things are good in life, or everything is as it should be...
best wishes, Ryca :)
Photo By: Debjit Ghosh
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/4/2010 2:02:46 PM
wow..very moody shot, Ben.. beautifully composed and well taken..
best wishes, Ryca
Photo By: Ben van der sande
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/4/2010 1:52:41 PM
very beautiful BW photo, Ayli... love the lighting and composition... I can feel this 'dreary situation' through this shot..
best wishes, Ryca
Photo By: Ayli Velaves
Critique By:
Ryca C.R. (K:3895)
1/4/2010 1:40:58 PM
lovely mood and very nice presentation, Maria. I like it. The color and contrast on the chairs is really appropriate as the point of this photo and it strengthen the atmosphere around. As Stan has been said, this is not really sharp, but through this 'cellphone', I think U've done the best.
congrats, Ryca
Photo By: Maria Benabbass