Roger Williams
{K:86139} 10/22/2005
Well, Mary, with both you AND Chris Spracklen saying similar things I thought I'd try it, and I do believe you're right. Those leaves at the bottom ARE rather soft, but the nice "bow" of that horizontal leaf seems to draw the eye away from them when it becomes more prominent... yes, I like it. Thanks! Oh yes; Audrey Reid I note also made a similar suggestion. I'm learning a thing or two with this shot!!
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 10/22/2005
These are very pretty, Roger. I scolled my view up to just above the large horizontal leaf. I think that would make a nice crop. I really likd the very vibrant colours. Mary
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 10/17/2005
Chris, your E-mail address was lost in an anti-virus purge (the anti-viral software deleted my entire database of messages not just the infected message--a bug known to many but not me) so I'll reply here. My E-mail address is roger atmark adex hyphen japan dot com. Please drop me a note and I'll let you have my snail mail address by return.
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 10/16/2005
Dear Roger, We do record our talks ~ in fact, we've just started putting them on to CD and eventually hope to make them available as mp3 files. If you'd like to receive some of the CDs I'd be happy to send them ~ I'd just need a reminder of your postal address. Best regards, Chris
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 10/15/2005
I think you're right, Chris. Problem is, a closer crop reveals that the lower leaves are quite out of focus, and that itself becomes a bit distracting when made larger. Sometimes you just can't win... Hope your sermon on the Tower of Babel goes well today! Do you make recordings? I don't get to hear many English sermons (hint, hint).
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 10/15/2005
A sharp shot of the little red and yellow flowers, Roger, though I find the rest of the shot a mite distracting. I think a closer view would have worked better ~ well, it would for me! ) Best regards, Chris
Dirck DuFlon
{K:35779} 10/14/2005
Roger, just FYI these are Lantana flowers - here in Florida they grow everywhere and are considered a problem weed!
Rob Ernsting
{K:8899} 10/14/2005
Pretty little flowers and a nicely detailed shot.
Audrey Reid
{K:5872} 10/14/2005
Hello Roger, of the two shots, I prefer this one. Though the other is probably more striking and the blue berries are clearly seen there. The composition of this seems easier on the eye (my eye, that is!). I guess in the other version, the flowers are a little too centered. The colours of the main flower(s) here (lower left) are of a more interesting combination. I wonder if you might consider cropping the top flower resulting in a squarer format with the two lower groups of flowers and the graceful long leaf?
timur basol
{K:5769} 10/14/2005
very good shot Roger. Beautiful. timur