Bill Morgenstern
{K:7157} 10/6/2005
Great subject here and well captured. What is he thinking....... I wonder. I like the grain but wish the harsh light on the boys warm was toned down. On the other hand it draws me back to those expressive eyes.
Cheers - Bill
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 10/6/2005
excellent.. love the dramatic portrait.. great work
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 10/5/2005
great portrait! i love it. congrats,
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 10/5/2005
Excellent portrait Carmem,amazing expression the effect achieved is truly magnificent Many thansk for continuing support and nice comemnt on "Hard decision" Best regards
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 10/4/2005
absolutely wonderful. a great flowers.. touching and marvellous! excellent pose and b/w production.. in my favs roby 7+
Alejandro Mendez
{K:2066} 10/4/2005
Great Shot Carmen. The expression in the little boy's eyes is so sweet and full of wonder.
I will try that Plug inn, looks interesting.
Francisco Henriques
{K:57} 10/4/2005
Olá Carmem! Adorei a foto, o olhar da criança é bem expressivo e vc. soube capturá-lo muito bem. Eu estou voltando ao usefilm durante um longo tempo, e vou postar umas fotos...ficaria muito lisonjeado se vc. fizesse algumas críticas ok?
Grande abraço do amigo
Francisco Henriques
{K:42404} 10/4/2005
bellísima!! y el efecto de ruido excelente!! felicitaciones nuevamente!!
giorgio ruffinengo
{K:10623} 10/3/2005
assolutamente fantastici gli occhi di questo bambino!! Absolutely a magic imagine, his eyes are the photo. ciao amica brasiliana giorgio
José Vasconcelos Dias
{K:9341} 10/3/2005
Excelente retrato! óptimos tons P&B! Um abraço
Patrick Jacobson
{K:29151} 10/3/2005
Great composition and i love that grain (from the filter?). Also great pose/expression. Abit hard light on his arm but his expression takes away the attention from it anyway so it doesnt do that much! =))
Patrick J
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 10/3/2005
hi, very expressive eyes and the longest lashes! i like the grain filter here that mimics my iso 400 or higher film grain...dof,clarity and tone are all well executed...i look forward to more images of these gorgeous Brazilian children,Carmem like how you composed,too regards,gayle (thanks for your recent feedback as always look forward to your comments,Carmem)
Ozjan Yeshar
{K:15239} 10/2/2005
This is a great indeed! His face expression carry massive amount of drama. You have done real well in handling the back ground that way. Cheers dear Carmem & 7+.
Nando Mondino
{K:14261} 10/2/2005
An excellent portrait Carmen.
Tony Diana
{K:13396} 10/2/2005
Impresionante retrato, felicidades
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 10/2/2005
Wonderful eyes caught at a correct moment, glad to see this in B&W which has excellent contrast fit the subject wonderfully. Saeed
Claudia Sachs
{K:1467} 10/2/2005
Lindissima Carmem! Vc faz mágicas com uma camera na mão. Parabens!
João F * Photography
{K:41945} 10/1/2005
Excelent portrait in this beatiful tones in B&W i klovethis. João
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 10/1/2005
Were are you, Riny?
Di Ciuccio Maurizio
{K:57398} 10/1/2005
excellent...very very good children portrait..another fantastic shot my dear..absolute wonderfull espression for magic bw..tanks my dear carmen..a soon my friend..ciao carmen cara..(my fav.)
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 10/1/2005
Lovely portrait Carmem Margaret
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 10/1/2005
lovely B&W.....Candid...Portrait...of a Hansome...Young Boy...Carmem! ....You are Excellent...at Taking Photographs...of your Brazilian People!...as Oliver Twist...said...More Please....Ha,ha,aha!!! Regards: Jeff. By the Way!...there are a Bundle of free Ps Add-in Filters...B&W...and Colour...from OptikVerveLabs...Just do a Search....they are Great additions...for PS....Jeff.
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 9/30/2005
Hello, Dirck, is a boy... and his father is behind, watching over him... .Actually, his father is from Caape Verde... but the little boy has a typical brazilian face. Thank you very much for your support, Carmem
Walter Scarella
{K:19671} 9/30/2005
Excellent portrait, great DOF, perfect B&W with beautiful tones ! Congrats...Regards...Walter
soul 21
{K:27572} 9/30/2005
superbo bianco e nero per due occhi che sono due laghi di dolcezza complimenti gennaro
Sofia Alves
{K:1343} 9/30/2005
Gorgeous look, expression and light. I like the grain added, it's just perfect. Amazing shot, can't wait to see the next in the series. Sofia
Dirck DuFlon
{K:35779} 9/30/2005
Absolutely fantastic portrait, Carmem! I don't see the sadness in her (his?) face, rather I see an intelligent curiosity as she analyses this person pointing a camera at her... the composition is wonderful, too!
Luke Luther
{K:14693} 9/30/2005
I don't know about the filters, Carmem, but I know that this is quite an endearing and intimate photo. The left arm is placed perfectly to frame her beautiful face. The little flower in her right hand is a nice touch.
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 9/30/2005
That,s a wonderful portrait Carmen. I like the sharpness of the photo and the posing of the boy!!
Take care..God bless.
Marcia .
{K:16108} 9/30/2005
Depois dessa imagem, desse olhar... estou louca prá ver o restante da série! Como você capturou maravilhosamente o significado dessa cena. As pequenas mãos de criança (tem até as dobrinhas), segurando algo com firmeza, um pouco do pouco que tem, a vida cotidiana passando desfocada ao fundo, como se não percebessem a presença dela, e o olhar... curioso, arredio, triste, quase sem esperanças... Que futuro espera por essa frágil criança.... Momento de reflexão da nossa realidade. Emocionante! além de tecnicamente excelente. Parabéns! Favs.
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 9/30/2005
Superbly done, Carmem! Just the right amount of grain, IMO. Best regards, Chris
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 9/30/2005
So cute little boy with such a sad expression in his face. Strong portrait dear Carmem!!!
David McClenaghan
{K:9481} 9/30/2005
A portrait!! Nice change Carmem :) Lights a bit harsh but the face is great.
Fadel J
{K:13974} 9/30/2005
Very beautiful and expressive portrait as always from you Carmem! and great kindness you have to help!
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 9/30/2005
Wonderful dramatic portrait Carmem!Those eyes are incredible!!!Really teriffic!!! The title is excellent! OUTSTANDING photograph My Friend! take care Carmem! My best to You!!!! ...................John 7 !!!
Nour El Refai
{K:12481} 9/30/2005
good portrait of this child