Karina Brys
{K:16541} 4/25/2006
Brilliant! Great contrast between nature and industry. Good b&w too.
Claire Murray
{K:1479} 3/15/2006
another beautiful capture, love the tones and the juxtaposition of nature and industry c
lius hanzen
{K:2844} 2/10/2006
nice composison and b&w tone. regars lius
Helmut Schadt
{K:780} 1/31/2006
great! kind regards, helmut
Ethan .
{K:881} 1/20/2006
great compositon! fantastic picture!
Wayne Harridge
{K:18292} 1/5/2006
Great combination of elements to make a very interesting composition.
Vegim Rexha
{K:170} 11/17/2005
shum foto e bukur kjo foto behet vetem nga nje fotografist si arjani e cila foto ka nje pamje t bukur tymi i obiliqit nga nje pozit shum t bukur qe ariani rall gabon dhe per kete arian ben foto te bukura si berqi prizreni etj foto t bukura
berat salihu
{K:64} 10/9/2005
shum shum shum mireeeeeeeee no coment 7
Asdren Xërxa
{K:696} 10/6/2005
qkjo pom doket foto ma e smuta en portfolion tand, mu pom doket si anije fabrika (: qo ma shum foto si kjo suksese
Petrit Ukëhajdaraj
{K:181} 9/22/2005
keq qe e kan lon veq deri n'7 :) 7+++
Arton Humolli (R-ton)
{K:1853} 9/22/2005
Shiqimi i kafshes len pershtypjen se te percjell gjate gjithe kohes. Fotografi kreative dhe shume e bukur. Bravo
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 9/14/2005
wonderful shot the colors and detail are nice. great perpective..
Luan Rexha
{K:622} 9/13/2005
Nje kafshe, nje tymtar ne pune, nje shtylle elektrike, kjartesia ne thellesi e mire, plus kompozicioni i bukur, barazi me 7 Hallall daja im i vogel Luani
Merlinda Zhubi
{K:6} 9/13/2005
Shume e bukur
Jonathan Boarini
{K:1895} 9/13/2005
Beautiful picture. That factory in the distance almost looks like a steambotat (or is it?!) Fantastic composition.
ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN
{K:16316} 9/13/2005