Hanna Segal
{K:13469} 12/2/2006
Thanks! I'm attaching another version of the image, with a slightly different angle (more like a landscape shot)hope you'll like it.

Bob Aldridge
{K:14758} 12/1/2006
Exellent shot Hanna,it would have been nice to have it landscape.wonderful blue colour of the water also .Well done Hanna take care......Bob.
Sébastien Anex
{K:1178} 11/30/2006
Really well done! Congratulations
Hanna Segal
{K:13469} 9/22/2006
Well, it wasn't easy to keep my ballance on the wet deck, one hand on the rail, one hand on the camera, and trying to avoid the nice guys that were into taking family pictures. But I guess it all turned out fine :)
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 9/21/2006
What a fantastic recognition of a photo opportunity! Composition and angle are perfect but the chance to see a human-like figure in the water/wake is what is astounding. Great job and a credit to your eye.
Best wishes, Dave
Kareem Afifi
{K:5968} 9/14/2006
yeah u do have great eyes and sense of shooting am interested seeing that one
Kostas Tzanetos
{K:22012} 9/3/2006
the white anthropomorphic form on the sea surface is fantastic! - i've never seen anything like that... you saw it very well and tilting the image slightly to the right has been very effective, in my opinion ;) regards, kostas
{K:204} 3/23/2006
i love it!
you have good eyes. nice idea and cut for this capture
Abdelrahman Elwassimy
{K:3707} 3/10/2006
man this shot is GREATTTT:)i checked many of your images and all of them are great,well done hanna!!thnxx for ur so nice comment,and yeah i really need a camera i'll try to get one soon!thnx again:)hear from u soon!
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 9/23/2005
Great spotting, indeed! It looks like a human whale or a wild marine creature. Great composition on an angle, very dynamic! Ina
ellie photos
{K:1583} 9/23/2005
Great capture, looks like a figure with arms out.
György Szönyi
{K:10011} 9/18/2005
This is an absolutely wonderful, curious, anthropomorphic shot. Grats Hanna, and thanks for your comment. Your portfolio looks very interesting, I am going to thoroughly browse through it soon. And I want to mention that your self-introduction is great. I feel like hugging you immediately - in spite of the obvious age deifference (and NOT because of it!). Cheers, George
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 9/11/2005
is a BIG man.. wonderful frame and compositive idea my dear hanna, is perfect have absolutely a human presence in the water! so simple so incredible.. very well done! my bets wishes.. i like it, roby 7
Elena Zabelina
{K:23212} 9/10/2005
O, yes! It's great! Very dynamic and energetic shot. I like this angle of view, and His flying pose. Go-o-o-d! Lena
Hanna Segal
{K:13469} 9/9/2005
thanks, Biliana... it looked pretty much the same to me:)... I had to stay one hand on the camera, one hand on the railing and trying to avoid the other tourists shoting on the tiny deck... it was quite a challenge. I'm going to add other shots from the Jasper trip pretty soon.
{K:30945} 9/9/2005
Wow. from the thumbnail it seems like a huge water creature trying to fly. well spotted! Biliana