City - Bridge over Tamba Bay State - FLORIDA Country - United States
Well, I was trying to take a picture of the bay (we were on the bridge crossing Tampa Bay) but I caught the mirror and I liked how you could see the reflection of the clouds behind the car adn the clouds off the car window as well as me and the camera inside the car. A lot of reflective things happening :-)
The purpose of the image wasn't to catch the reflection in the mirror it was to catch the view of the bay, but I happened to catch the mirror and the mirror relfects me but more importantly it relfects the sky off of the window. I just liked the fact that in one image I caught like 5 or 6 reflections. There is also the reflection of the inside of the car faintly on the window I'm looking out of...
Also a nice shot, but it may have been a better one if the reflection included more than just hands and camera. The real subject of this shot is what is in the reflection, not the rest of the picture. Since this is the case, you probably would like it better if it was not just camera...