Janet B
{K:16139} 8/25/2005
Hi Angela, Lately I've been running an action (found online) that converts using lab color...then I'll do some tweaking also. I've also just used hue/saturation levels and converted that way as well. Your comments are appreciated!! THANKS!
gianpaolo reggi
{K:2841} 8/25/2005
Excellent portrait and pose.
Congrats G.P.
Pat Fruen
{K:12076} 8/24/2005
Wonderful mood.
David Hofmann
{K:22223} 8/24/2005
I like this one. The size relation between her and the chair that she barely fills half kind of symolizes how our world and kids sometimes don't mix.
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 8/24/2005
But you got the "enough already" expression perfectly! Nice job. Great b/w, tones, lighting.
Leilani Smith
{K:19} 8/24/2005
Great capture. I know how she feels! Would like a print to hang in my office. Leilani
Angela Freed
{K:10061} 8/24/2005
Great shot Janet. Love the pose and that chair for the background. Nice tones. What are you doing to achieve the tones that you are getting? Ang
c c
{K:13449} 8/24/2005
This is simply wonderful! I love her body language and the chair. Your clarity is great!
{K:8499} 8/24/2005
Love the moodiness in this. Fantastic. Great chair and pose too! =
Judy Bodden
{K:1694} 8/24/2005
The tones are wonderful. She does look like she has had enough.